Zemira Palmer Journal
State of Nevada, Dry Valley, Lincoln County
January 1872
1 - Mon., priced some town lots, and traded some at Co op store in Panacca, Meadow Valley.
2 - At home.
3 - Went to Eagle Valley for a load of hay.
4 - At home.
5 - At home, hauled a load of wood.
6 - At home, mending shoes.
7 - Attended meeting at Wm. Moodies.
8 - Moved Mr. Bush and wife to Bullionville for $7.00. Paid C. Matthews for corn; $7.50 bought at Co op store 7 lbs. green tea $.00 and $7.00 tobacco.
9 - Moved James Evins and wife to Bullionville for $7.00. Spent for wine .25 and darning needles 25.
10 - Moved a cabin for Thos. Corner to Bullionville for $8.00.
11, 12 – No entries.
13 - At home, received ------J. C. Foster with a view------secute the Meadow Valley Mining Co. for useing the water which belongs to me.
14 - Attended meeting at Panaca. Bought at Co op store one good box; 10 lbs. dried peaches; 8 lbs. sugar; 5 lbs. rice.
15 - Went to Pioche with Isaac Colby to assist him in collecting some money, for which service I am to receive $10.00. Paid an old debt to Mr. Johnson $3.00.
16 - Hauld wood for F. Rosenkrants, 1-1/2 cords at $4.50 per cord.
17 - Got a load of wood for T. Coakley for $3.50
18, 19 - Hauld wood for Rosenkrantz.
20 - Hauld load of wood for T. Coakley $3.50
21 - At home. R. Rosenkrantz Ct. $6.00
22 - Hauld wood for F. R. Rosenkrantz. John M. Call Ct. for grain $4.00.
23 - Went to Panaca to get wagon repaired.
24 - Bought at Co op store 10 fellows, $5.00; 10 spokes at 45c each; G.W. Edwards Ct. to putting into waggon 10 fellows and 10 spokes at 50c $1.00; Wm. M. Millan to setting 2 tire; $4.00; to shoeing mules $6.25.
25 - Paid Geo. Farnsworth, agent for Deseret News weekley, in advance, $4.50; (volume 21st). Also in advance for Juvenile Instructor (Vol. 7); bought at co op store: 124 lbs. corn at 6 cts; 170 lbs. oats at 6-1/2; bacon $3.75; paper, soda, 25c; ----- dye 25c; sack flour, $8.50; matches 25c; whiskey, 75c.
26 - Traded mules with Bro. Lovekin.
27 - Came home.
28 - Went to Eagle Ville, attended meeting.
29 - Commenced camping out, hauling wood for F. Rosenkrantz. (Page torn here)
February 1872
1, 2, 3 - Hauld wood.
4 - Sunday, at home.
5 - Hauld wood.
6 - F. Rosenkrantz Ct. to $20.00. Paid J. C. McCall on 1872, act $15.75, on 1871 act, $4.25. Paid Mr. Barns for blacksmithing, $1.25. Boys hauled wood for F. R.
7 - Boys hauled wood for F. R. F. R. Ct. to sack flour, $9.00. Wm. Palmer Dt. to half sack flour $4.50.
8 - Went to Pioche on business, received order from J. C. Foster on T. P. Jones for sack of flour. Bought pair sheets, $1.50; apples, 25c; dinner, 50c.
9 - Settled with Rosenkrantz, had hauld 18-3/4 cords wood; 6 cords at 5, $30.00; 12-1/4 cords at $4.50 per cord, $57.37-1/2. Went to Panaca. Wm. McMillen Dt. to 248 lbs. old iron $12.40.
10 - At home, preparing to go to Dixie. F. Rosenkrantz Cr. to sack corn $6.36; also by J. McCall 3 sacks flour $27.00; bacon $10.00. Wm. Palmer Dt to sack flour $9.00; Received of Wm. Johnston 2 sacks flour and 2 sacks corn $33.00, for which I am to bring his family from the Clara Settlement our (out) here.
11 - Started for the Clara. Campt at the Spur in the Desert.
12 - Camp’t at big bench.
13 - Arrived at Settlement.
14 - Team hauld load of wood.
15 - Traded mules with Samuel Knight.
16 - Started home, camped at Brother Jefries.
17 - Camped at Shole Creek herd house.
18 - Pased Shole Creek Settlement, done some business, camped at ledge of rocks 2 miles south of Desert Springs.
19 - ----------home having----------Wm. Johnstons family----------
20 - At home.
21 - Went to Panaca----------got mules shod.
22 - At home wrote some letters.
23 - At Home, bought tobacco 25c.
24 - At home.
25 - J. McCall Cr to 102 lbs corn $7.14.
26 - Went to saw mill for slabs.
27 - At sawmill.
28 - Returned home. Sold slabs to D. Collins for $9.00
29 - At home.
March 1872
1, 2 - At home.
3 - At home, bought sack corn $6.40.
4, 5 - At home.
6 - Went to sawmill.
7 - Loaded with hewn timber for Pioche.
8 - Went to Pioche, got of Sherwood and B--- (for whom I hauled the timber) 2 sacks of chop corn and oats $11.00; spent for supper 50c.
9 - J. McCall Cr. to butter 75c; went to Panaca.
10 - Attended meeting. J. McCall Cr. to sugar $1.00
11 - Co op butcher shop Cr. (At Panaca) to beef 59 lbs. at 10 cts $5.90. Got at Co op store one sack flour per order of J. C. Foster. Returned home. Let Bro. Wm. Johnston have 29 lbs beef $2.90. Went Eagle Ville in the evening. Attended meeting. Bro. Blake and Pres. Snow preached.
12 - Returned home.
13 - Went to saw mill for timber.
14 - Loaded and returned home.
15 - Went to Pioche with timber. Sherwood Cr. to sack corn $5.90.
16 - Went to Pioche with more timber, and received payment in full $23.25
17 - At home.
18 - Worked on water ditch.
19 - While plowing water ditch was assaulted by one Mat Cochena--------man with a revol--- my work--------wards shot at by him twice.
20 - At home, today at 10 minutes to 12 was born to me a Daughter. (*Almeda Eve Palmer)
21 - At home.
22 - Went to Pioche, to enter complaint against Mat Chohena, for assault with intent to commit murder. Grand Jury took my depposition.
23 - Went to Panaca, got one shoe set on mule, bought at Co op store, candles, 2 lbs. 60c; box lye, 25c; bees-wax, 3 oz. 30c; maple sugar, 2 lbs. 75c; catecism for children 30c; bacon, 11-1/2 lbs.; beef 31 lbs. $3.20; flour 2 sacks $17.00 (bacon, $2.37-1/2)
24 - Attended meeting at Eagle Ville. Paid J. Boynton on old debt, $3.75.
25 - At home making water ditch.
26 - Worked on water ditch.
27 - Went to Pioche on business. bought a broom $1.25. team went (to) Panaca for goods for Mr. Knight. Wm. Palmer Cr. to 10 lbs beef.
28 - Went to Rose Valley with Knights. Goods, received in payment ham 11 lbs. At 33-1/2c per lb. $3.66-2/3 green tea 1 lb. $2.00 1 bottle whiskey 1.50 1 plug tobacco 25 bought of J. McCall 157 lbs chop corn for which I paid the money down $10.99.
29 - Received the following notice: “Sheriff’s Office. Lyncoln County Nevada, Pioche March 22th 1872. Sir: You are herby summond to be and appear at the Court House in theTown of Pioche, in said County of Lyncoln, on Saturday the 30th day of March, A.D. 1872 at 10 clock a.m. to serve as a trial------District Court of-----District, in and for-------for the March Term of said Court, A.D. 1872.
John Kane, Sherriff,
By J. McCall, Deputy Sherriff, To Z. Palmer.”
30 -Went to Pioche & answered to my name, & was discharged until Tuesday April 2nd.
31 - At home.
April 1872
1 - At home.
2 - Went to Pioche to attent Court (Snow Storm today)
3 - Attended court.
4 - Obtained a discharge on account of poor health, returned home (expence $3.00)
5 - At home.
6 - Sent Ammon (the Indian boy) with team to move Thomas Doings & wife to Bullion Ville. (received pay $5.00).
7 - Sunday), at home.
8 - At home, watering land, J. McCall Cr. to 46 lbs. choped corn, $3.45
9 - Commenced hauling wood for Oly Hanson, at 2.00 per cord.
10 - At home, (Stormy day) J. McCall Cr. to 85 lbs. Grain at 7-1/2 cts $6.27-1/2.
11 - At home, team went to Spring Valley after Aunty Johnston.
12 - At home. Team hauled wood for Oly Hanson.
13 - At home, team hauled wood.
14 - Sunday), at home. Children went to Eagle Ville to meeting.
15 - At home, bought a book, Physical Life of Woman, (Doctor Naphye), of Mr. Page, price $2.50. Wm. Palmer Dr. to one sack flour $8.00.
16 - At home, today my Brother William moved to SpringDale, Kane Co.
17, 18, 19, 20 - At home.
21 - Sunday) Attended meeting at Eagle Ville, had 2 children baptised & confirmed, Sarah Arletta, was baptized by John Hammond, Confirmed by Bishop John Bennion. Susan Louisa baptised by J. Hammond, Confirmed by myself. (Baby) Almeda Eve blessed by myself, received of S. Stilson an old debt 50c.
22 - At home.
23 - At home, bought 24 lbs beens, $3.00 J. McCall Cr. to 7 lbs of bacon, @ 33-1/2 cts $2.33
24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 - At home.
30 - At home, have remained at the home the last week expecting daily visit from Mrs. Foster and Hardy, lawyers.
May 1872
1 - At home.
2 - At home. Received of Oly Hanson $20.00.
3 - Went to Eagle Ville to see about getting some seed potatoes & some land.
4 - Received of Oly Hanson the balance due me on wood hauling, $29.20. Also, settled up with J. McCall, paid him in full of all demands up to date, $24.57.
5 - At home
6 - At home, team commenced hauling wood for George ------, at $2.00 per cord.
7 - At home, paid Sydney Carter $6.00 balance due him for blacksmithing. Co op store Cr. To 14 lbs. Beef.
8, 9, 10, 11 - At home.
12 - At home, (Sunday).
13 - Went to Pannacca. Bought of Co op store a book, (Compendium), $1.00.
14 - Went to Eagle Ville, found a mare which had been lost.
15 - At home, bought 4-1/2 cts per lb. For seed $20.25. Also 2 Pictorial Family Records, J.J. Page $5.00.
16, 17, 18 - At home.
19 - At home, (Sunday).
20 - Went to Pioche on buissiness.
21, 22 - At home.
23 - At home received a visit from some Lawyers from Pioche, with a view to Settle the water question between myself and the M.V.M. Co at home.
24 - At home.
25 - Went to Pioche on buissiness. Sold some County Scrip for $25.00; paid J. C. Foster $8.50 on account of an order he had given me to T. J. Jones for a Sack of flour.
26 - At home (Sunday) made out statement in writing of claims against M,V,M Co. for trespass and damage in using the water and running tailings of Mill into my field which poisoned my stock & c.
27 - Received a visit from Capt. Day, Supt. Of the M,V,M, Co. to enquire into my claims against the company.
28 - At home.
29 - At home, my boys, Alma and James arrived from Panguitch.
30 - My attorney, J. C. Foster, came down from Pioche to see me, went to Pioche with him, held consultation with Capt. Day with a view to compromise my water claim.
31 - At Pioche, endeavoring to effect a compromise.
June 1872
1 - At Pioche, concluded settlement, with M.V.M. Co. Received $4.50 -----(?)--- complaint against M. ------- and Mat Cochina. After noon came home.
2 - Went to Panacca, paid Co op Store $340.00, George Edwards $10.00; obtained further credit at the store, goods, $33.69; money, $15.00; beef, 20 lbs.
3 - Went to Eagle Ville on buissiness.
4 - At home, had conversation with Capt. Day with a view to obtain a wood contract.
5 - Went to Eagle Valley and planted some potatoes & corn.
6 - Concluded contract with Capt. Day for one thousand (1,000) cords of wood at $5.25 per cord, went to Panacca paid Co op Store $57.50; traded $68.22
7 - At home. paid Wm. Palmer for eggs & butter, $2.25.
8 - Commenced ditch to prevent Mill tailings from running into my field. Bought of Henry Moody, 2 axes for $1.00 each. $2.00
9 - Worked on ditch.
10 - Went to Bullion Ville got Pony Shod, $4.00. Paid Dutch Joe for water kegg which he had left at my place, $2.50. Stayed all night at Panacca.
11 - Co op Store Cr. to 2 axe-handles, $1.00 came home.
12 - At home, hewed timbers for wood racks.
13 - Rode out to find a suitable place to get wood.
14 - Went to Pioche, negociated a loan of $1000 for 2 months and a half at 1-1/2 per cent sureties. went to Panacca and thence home.
15 - Went to look wood ranch.
16 - Went to Panacca, traded with Co op store, sugar 14 lbs. $3.50; matches, $1.00, Comb; Kegg syrup, 10.00; Side bacon, 5.00; 2 prs. shoes, 4.00; Tea, 2.00; hickory, 1.00; yeast powders, 1.00; cracker and cheese, 1.00.
17 - Started for Salt Lake City camp’t 1-1/2 miles north of Desert Springs.
18 - Nooned at Sulpher Springs, Camp’t 4 miles south of Hot Springs.
19 - Nooned at Miners Ville Kanion camp’t 3 miles north of Adams’ville bought ½ doz. eggs, 15c.
20 - Bought chopt wheat 25c went round by Beaver on horseback, got pants pattern at factory on old account, nooned in Wild Cat Kanion Camp’t in Dog Valley.
21 - Noned between Corn and Meadow Creeks, got 2 shoes set on mule and 3 taken off at Filmore
Here original journal pages 17 & 18 are missing--the entries between June 22 and July 11, 1872.
July 1872
----nooned opposite the Old Chicken Creek Settlement. Campt 2 m’s south of Chicken Creek Crossing.
11 - Nooned 3 m’s south of Sevier Bridge, campt in Round Valley.
12 - Nooned South Side of divide, campt 3 m’s south of Cedar Springs.
13 - Nooned at Filmore, got some Blacksmithing done, amounting to $1.75 yeast powder, soap, peaches, $1.30 sugar, bitt and spade 2.45. Cam’t at Meadow Creek.
14 - Sunday) lay by.
15 - Nooned 1-1/2 M’s south of corn Creek, Camt near the mouth of Baker Kanion.
16 - Nooned in Dog Valley, camt 2-1/2 m’s south of Cove Cree.
17 - Nooned in head of Wild Cat Kanion, camt at Indian Creek.
18 - Stoped at Beaver & traded some corn for store pay dried apples, $1.00 can powder .50 3 lbs. syrup .50 box caps .15 box ---- 2.00 tobacco 1.00 paid in corn 131 lbs--$5.25 Nooned 3 m’s south of Beaver campt 8 M’s south.
19 - Drove on to Buck thorn Spring & campt.
20 - Nooned at Red Creek, left 10 sacks of flour to be sent to Panguitch, to my family campt 2 m’s south of Parowan eggs $1.00 Heard of lost colt.
21 - Nooned at Cedar Flat, campt at Iron Springs.
22 - Nooned at Antelope Springs, traveled in the night, campt on Desert within 11 m’s of Desert Springs
(Here one half inch bottom of original journal page eaten or worn off)
25 - At home.
26 - Went to Panaca, traded at Co op 3 wagon tongues $18.75; 4 ax handles, 2.40 1 pr. carpet shoes 1.25.
28 - At home, sent to Co op store for 8 yes hicory $2.80 1 lb. Tea 2.00 1 pr. carpet shoes 1.25.
29 - Made wood rack.
30 - Haul’d wood.
31 - Made wood rack.
August 1872
1 - At home.
2 - Hauld wood.
3- Worked on road.
4 - Sunday) went to Eagle Ville to church.
5 - Went to Panacca, got mules shod in front, done some trading at Co op Store.
6 - Went to Pioche to serve on Grand Jury, got excused & returned home.
7 - Went to Eagle Valley to attend to some potatoes, could get no water to them.
8 - Returned home.
9 - At home, choring.
10 - At home, Sold L. Clark 63 lbs. corn, $3.75.
11 - Went to meeting at Wm. Moodies.
12 - Went to Pioche to serve on Grand Jury, was excused, went to Panacca on bussiness.
13 - Returned home.
14 - Hauld wood.
15 - Charles Merrill commenced work at $50 per month.
16 - At home.
17 - Cording at the Mill.
(Botttom of original page gone--two or three lines)
19, 20, 21 - Cording wood.
22, 23, 24 - Hauled wood.
25 - Sunday) went to meeting.
26 - Went to Pioche on bussiness.
27 - Corded wood.
28 - At home, heavy rain today.
29 - Corded wood.
30 - At home.
31 - Went to Medow Valley.
September 1872
1 - Sunday) returned home.
2 - At home. Wrote a letter to Mr. Benion concerning my sheep.
3 - At home.
4 - Work’t on road.
5 - Corded wood.
6 - Went to Pioche to attent Court Passed preliminary examination on the Courtney murder case, excused till Tuesday 10th expenses $1.00.
7 - Lifted my note given to M.V.M. Co. for $1000 dollars due on the 1st inst and received $2.75 which was due me on wood. Interest on note being remitted Sent a registered letter to G.W. Jacques containing $70.00 Another to Wm. Munro, 52.10 expenses $3.17 After noon returned home.
8 - Sunday) Went to the Government Surveyor’s camp & obtained the no. of my Land which had been surveyed the day before, 160 acres for a Homestead.
9 - At home.
10 - Attended District Court at Pioche Was impaneld and sworn to try the case of Mo---n Courtney. Charged ------------------------ Sullivan.
11 - Attended court, panel completed and sworn (expence .50)
12 - Attended court, one of the Jury becomeing sick, was excused. Court adjurned till 11 ock. In the afternoon the pannell was filled up and the trial began.
13 - Attended court. Examination of the witnesses continued.
14 - Attended Court. Trial continued. (expence .31)
15 - Sunday) Jury all joined, hired a coach, & went to Meadow Valley, while there went & had bathe at the bath house, afternoon returned to Pioche, to our quarters at the Court House. (expences 4.26.)
16 - Attended Court, examination continued.
17 - Attended Court. Wrote a letter home. (expences, 50)
18 - Attended Court.
19 - Attended Court. (exp. .50)
20 - Attended Court, wrote a letter home, examination of witnesses closed, afternoon Prosecuting Attorney Goldthweight made his plea, time 3 hours. Adjourned till 7-1/2 o’ck. 7-1/2 P.M. J. C. Foster made his plea, time 2 hours. (exp. 75)
21 - Attended Court, Judge Tilford (on defence) began his plea, occupied all forenoon, Court adjourned till 2 o’ck P.M. 2 o’ck P.M. Judge Tilford continued his plea til 3-1/2 P.M. when Colonel H. I. Thornton began his argument on the part of the prosecution, which slowed the case, time 2-1/2 hours. Jury, charged by the Court, & retired for deliberation.
22 - At about 2 o’ck the Jury found a verdict of (Not Guillty) Reported and was discharged. In the afternoon returned home. Bill on Pony, 7.50.
23 - Having learned that 2 cows and 3 heiffers had been stolen while absent on the jury, I went to Pioche in search of the thief. Asertained that a half breed by the name of McGuire was one of the thieves. Got a warrant for him, and placed it in the hands of the Sheriff. (Expences 4.25.)
24 - At Pioche, having found one of my cows in the possession of Wm. C. Gleason, who refused to give her up stating he bought her of McGuire, I got out a write of Replevin (?) And placed the cow in the hands of an Officer untill the Suit Should come off, which was set for the 27th. Learned that my other cow was in the possession of Jake Davis the Butcher, who agreed to give her up. (Expen. 2.75) Returned home.
25, 26 - At home, corded wood.
27 - Went to Pioche, to attend Lawsuit, Suit advanced far enough to obtain my cow, but was continued in hopes of discovering the thief. Paid bill on cow, 4.50, also placed in the hands of Judge Knight $15 for court exp. Returned home.
28 - At home.
29 - Sunday) At home.
30 - Cording wood.
October 1872
1, 2 - At home.
3 - Went to Panacca on buissiness.
4 - Returned home.
5 - Hauled wood.
6 - Sunday) Went to Eagle Ville.
7 - Went to Panacca on buissiness.
8 - At Panacca.
9 - At Panacca getting ponies shod. ----(missing line at bottom) (ex. 1.7)
10 - Hired Henry Pinto to drive team, at $50 per month. Returned home.
11, 12 - At home, cording wood.
13 - Sunday) At home.
14 - Went Eagle Valley to dig potatoes.
15, 16, 17 - Digging potatoes.
18 - Came home.
19 - Corded wood.
20 - Sunday) at home.
21, 22, 23, 24 - Cording wood.
25, 26 - At home.
27 - Wrote a letter to wife at Panguitch (Sunday)
28 - Hunting horses.
29 - Corded wood.
30 - Hauled wood.
31 - Corded wood and measured up. Having in [all] 143 cords this month.
November 1872
1 - Hauled a load of wood, at home.
2 - Went to Panacca ato get wagon repaird.
3 - Returned home.
4 - At home.
5 - Corded wood, & being Election day, went to the poles & voted.
6 - Corded wood in forenoon, & went to Panacca in afternoon.
7 - Bought a La Bell Wagon for 159.00 of Charles O’Niel, returned home.
8 - Corded wood.
9 - Went to Panacca on buisiness.
10 - Sunday) Went Eagle Ville.
11 - Hauled wood.
12 - Went to Panacca on business. Got mules shod.
13 - Went Spring Valley to get some Sheep.
14 - Got 8 head of Sheep (& returned home)* (Not positive of this as it is partly missing.)
15 - Butchered the Sheep.
16 - Hauled wood.
17 - Sunday) Went to Panacca, bought a set of harnesses of Geo. O. Marshall for $55.00, 1 pr. shoes of Bro. Mathews 2.50.
18 - Went to Pioche to settle my Taxes. Bought pr boots $6.00, Dinner 50c.
19 - At home.
20 - Hauled wood.
21 - Corded wood.
22 - Hired some choppers & took them to camp.
23 - Made wood rack.
24 - Sunday) At home.
25 - Corded wood. Bro. J. Rolph began driving team for me at 65$ per month & board himself.
26 - Corded wood.
27 - Hauled wood.
28 - Corded wood, Signed note with Bro. Rolph for $340 to be paid 5th Jan. next.
29 - Corded wood.
30 - Corded wood, afternoon Served on Coroners jury on the boddy of Henry Sucus, supposed to have been killed by farmer Evins, on the evning of the 27.
December 1872
1 - Sunday) At home.
2 - Made bridge across the creek.
3, 4 - Worked on road.
5 - Went to Pioche to serve as grand juror, was excused.
6 - At home. Quite unwell, hired some choppers.
7 - Drove two yoke of Oxen to Servicebury Kanion & turned the(m) out.
8 - No entry.
9 - Wrote a letter to Nephew - (1 line missing at bottom of page) went to Eagle Ville to attend the funeral of Sister Elizabeth Moody, wife of Wm. C. Moody. Bargained for 2 ton of hay of Bro. J. Hammond at $45 per ton.
10 - Hauled a load of wood, at home.
11 - Went to Panacca on buissiness.
12 - Went to Eagle Ville for a load of hay.
13 - Went for hay.
14 - At home.
15 - At home Sunday).
16 - At home, wrote a letter to my son, Alma, living at Panguitch.
17 - Went out to look to my Oxen in Servisburry Kanion.
18 - Went to Panacca to attend meeting held by some Missionaries from St. George & other places.
19 - Returned home.
20 - Went to Rose Valley to get some Oxen shod.
21 - At home.
22 - Sunday), at home.
23 - At home, Sick.
24 - Corded wood.
25 - Christmas (rainy), at home.
26 - At home, rainy.
27 - At home; stormy.
28 - Drove off 3 yoke of Oxen to the range.
29 - Sunday), at home.
30 - Corded wood, stormy.
31 - At home, stormy.
January 1873
1 - At home.
2, 3 - Hauled wood.
4 - Hauld a load pine wood to loading house.
5 - Sunday), at home.
6 - Went to Pioche on busi-----. (business)
7 - Returned h------. (home)
8 - Hauld wood.
9 - At home.
10 - Got a load of wood for boarding house.
11 - Haul’d wood for Mill.
12 - Sunday) at home.
13 - Went to look to my Oxen on the range.
14 - At home.
15 - Went to Pioche to see about getting my land enterd.
16 - At home.
17 - Went for wood for boarding house; camt out.
18 - Returned with wood.
19 - Sunday) at home.
20 - Worked on road, also subscribed for the Deseret News weekly & the Juvenile Instructor, & paid in advance $6.00.
21, 22 - Worked on road.
23 - Worked on road.
24 - Went to look for my Ponies & see to my Oxen & get them together.
25 - Got my Oxen together & drove them to a near place.
26 - Sunday) returned home.
27 - Hauled wood.
28 - Worked on road, today the Engine on the Pioche & Bullion Vill RailRoad first made its appearance in this valley.
29 - Hauled wood.
30 - Corded wood.
31 - Hauled wood.
February 1973
1 - Went to Pioche to see about my Land. Went to Panacca in the evening. Stayed all night with Bishop Jones.
2 - Returned home.
3 - At home.
4 - No entry.
5 - Went up Servisburry Kanyon, to for my Oxen.
6 - Went to Panacca on business.
7 - Returned home.
8, 9 No entries.
10 - Went for my Oxen, found 7 head.
11 - At home. Let my Bro. William have 2 yoke of Oxen & a wagon on time for $405.
12 - Went to Eagle-Ville on business.
13 - Went to Panacca, verry cold and windy.
14 - Bought of Charles Mathews 29.15 lbs hay at 2-12 per lb. $73.87-1/2.
15 - At home.
16 - Sunday) At home.
17 - At home. Stormy weather.
18 - Stormy. Went to Rose-Valley for some medicine for my Bro. Wm. who is very sick.
19, 20 - At home.
21 - Went to Meadow Valley for a load of hay for Br. Wm.
22 - Returned home.
23 - Sunday). At home.
24 - At home.
25 - and 26 - At home. Posting my books.
27 - At home.
28 - Went to Panacca. Settled Tithing with Bishop T. J. Jones, who now has charge of this ward.
March 1873
1 - At home.
2, 3 - At home, Posting my accounts.
4 - Went to Panacca on ------------
5 - Returned home from Panacca.
6, 7 - At home.
8 - Went to Pioche on business.
9 - Sunday). Went to Eagle Ville & attended meeting.
10 - Rode out examine the road.
11, 12 - At home.
13 - Hunting Oxen.
14 - Camt in the Kanion near the Old Saw Mill Road.
15 - Crossed the mountain in Hamblin Valley, heard from my Oxen, cam’t on west side of HamblinValley 4 or 5 miles north of the Stage Road.
16 - Found 3 head of Oxen & started home. Left one Ox at the Mail Station (Dime) with Charlie Merriman, being too weak to track. Cam’t west side of Summit near Stage Road.
17 - About an inch of Snow fell last night, strong cold wind from the north all day, got home at 2 o’ck.
18 - No entry.
19 - Went to Panacca for some hay & get Oxen shod.
20 - Returned home, got a letter from my Son Alma who lives at Panguitch Iron Co. U.T.
21 - Started for Panguitch, camt on east side of divide.
22 - Noon’d at Desert Springs. Camt at Mountain Meadow Creek.
23 - Drove to Settlement, got some things left there some months before. Drove on to Cedar City. Mules ran off at night.
24 - At Cedar, hunting all day for mules.
25 - Hunting mules.
26 - Hunting mules, in afternoon found them, drove on to near Summit Creek & cam’t.
27 - Called at Red Creek, made arrangements with the Rob Boys to get up a young horse which I had running on that range, ----- in Upper Bear Valley.
28 - Arrived at Panguitch, found all well.
29 - At Panguitch.
30 - Sunday) Attended meeting.
31 - Hunting & Branding stock.
April 1873
1 - Started home about noon, cam’t in Bear Creek Kanion.
2 - Drove to Parowan.
3 - Bought 25 bus Potatoes of Wm. Mitchel at $1.25 per bus, loaded up afternoon went back to Red Creek & got a young horse which had been running there nearly 2 years. Paid the Rob boys 5 Dollars for getting him up.
4 - Snowing, Drove on to Bro. Morril’s place, Strong cold wind blowing with occasional Squalls of Snow.
5 - Drove to Antelope Spring.
6 - Drove to Desert Spring, paid 25 cts for water for team.
7 - Reached home, all right.
8 - At home, let J. J. Rolph have a span of small mules, for $160.00, & took his Note due Oct. 1st.
9 - Sold John McCall 2 yoke of Oxen for $35.
10 - Hauled a load of firewood.
11 - At home. Took a horse, (Blucher) of J. McCall on trial.
12 - Went to Panacca on business, Bought a horse of Charlie Carrol (John) for $130.00 & 2 of C. Hancock for $220.00, paid $20.00 down. $100.00 more to paid by the 6th May & the balance by the 6th of June.
13 - Sunday) At home.
14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 - Hauled wood.
20 - Sunday) At home.
21 - Hauled wood. Gave ------------Alden Bardick for $30, the account due him on the horse George.
22 - Hauled wood.
23 - Went to Panacca on business.
24, 25 - Hauled wood.
26 - At home, repairing wagons.
27 - Sunday) Attended meeting at Eagle Ville.
28 - Corded wood.
29 - Hauled wood.
30 - Corded wood.
May 1873
1 - Hal’d wood,
2 - Went to Panacca in afternoon for some hay.
3 - Worked on road.
4 - Sunday) At home.
5 - Worked on Road.
6 - At home.
7 - Went to Panacca for grain.
8 - Went to Pioche to get check changed, went round by Panacca, staid at Bro. Barrons over night.
9 - Returned home, quite unwell.
10 - Hauled wood.
11 - Sunday) At home.
12, 13 - Cording wood.
14 - Traded George (horse) to Joe Mendenhall for 17 cords of wood at Brick Kiln, & 30 dollars to be paid to John McCall next pay day.
15, 16 - Hauled wood.
17 - Mended harnesses.
18 - Sunday) Went to Eagle Ville.
19 - Assorted & sprouted Potatoes.
20 - Cording wood.
21 - Went to Hamblin Valley for an Ox (Dime) which I left there in March last, in charge of the Station keeper.
22 - Found the Ox & returned home.
23, 24 - Cording wood.
25 - Sunday) Went to Eagle Ville to attend meetings.
26, 27 - Hauled wood.
28 - Corded wood,
29 - At home,
30 - Corded wood,
31 - Corded wood Hier’d two choppers.
June 1873
1 - Sunday) Went to Eagle Ville, took some potatoes to Bro. Johnston.
2 - Went to Panacca on business,
3 - Corded wood,
4 - At home doctoring a poisoned horse.
5 - At home.
6 - Went to Panacca on business.
7 - At home,
8 - Sunday) Went to Eagle Ville took Bro. Johnston out to camp to chop for me as I returned home.
9 - At home.
10 - Went out to find a new place to chop wood.
11, 12 - Hauled wood.
13 - Hunted for horse (Tobe) which had been gone since the 8th inst.
14 - Hauled wood.
15 - Sunday) At home writing my journal.
17 - Corded wood, & got shoes set on Oxen.
18 - Wrote some letters, One to Editor Weekly Desert News & one to Editor Woman’s Exponent, went to Meadow Valley on business.
19, 20, 21 - Hauling wood,
22 - Sunday) At home.
23 - Hauling wood,
24 - At home.
25 - Cording wood.
26, 27 - Hauling wood.
28 - Cording wood.
29 - Sunday) Attended meeting at Eagle Ville, my son James William was baptised by Elder John Hammond confirmed by Wm. Moody.
30 - Cording wood.
July 1873
1, 2, 3 - Hauling wood
4 - Hauling wood
5 - Went to Panacca on business.
6 - Sunday) At home.
7 - Went to Pioche to get check changed & see my Lawyer about getting a title to my land.
8 - Hauling wood, my son Alma, started home.
9 - Hauling wood.
10 - Went to Pioche & made affidavit to a horse I had stolen, & had found in possesseion of one George Sorenson.
11 - Hauling wood.
12 - At home mending shoes, quite unwell.
13 - Sunday) At home, Bargained 3 yoke of Oxen & one wagon to E. C. Behunin for 130 cords of wood delivered at the Dry Valley Mill.
14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 - Hauling wood.
20 - Sunday) At home, Bought a roan horse of J. B. Bayard for $65 to be paid next pay day.
21, 22 - Hauling wood.
23 - Hauled a load of fire-wood & mooved camp for the choppers.
24 - Hauling wood.
25 - At home, repairing wood-racks.
26 - Hauling wood.
27 - Sunday) Attended at Eagleville
28, 29, 30, 31 - Hauling wood.
August 1873
1 - Hauling wood.
2 - Went to Panacca to attend a two days meeting held by some missionaries from St. George.
3 - Sunday) Attended meeting returned home in the evening.
4 - Hauling wood.
5 - Went to Panacca for grain
6, 7, 8 - Hauling wood.
9 - My 42nd BirthDay,
10 - Sunday) At home,
11, 12 - Hauling wood,
13 - At home, greesing & mending harness, & doctoring my horses which had been poisoned.
14 - Hauling wood.
15 - Went to Panacca to get some medicine for my horses,
16 - At home, doctoring my horses, 2 of them died Tobe and Dick, tried Some To-quap or wild Tobacco on the 3rd (John) which helped him.
17 - Went to Panacca, got some grain, bought another horse (Chub) of W. L. Lee for $60. Stayed over night with A. T. Farron.
18 - Returned home.
19 - Began moving my fence to throw outside of my pasture that portion containing poison.
20, 21 - Worked at fence.
22 - At home.
23 - Hauling wood.
24 - Sunday) Attended meeting at Eagle Ville.
25 - At the woodyard, trying to buy a team.
26 - Cording wood.
27 - Hauling wood.
28 - Bought a pair of horses, harness, & wagon of Joe Barney for $300.00. $200.00 to be paid the
6th of Sept. next, & $100.00 the 6th of Oct. next.
29 - Hauling wood.
39 - At home, a rainy day.
31 - Sunday) Still raining, an unusual amount of rain fall for this country.
September 1873
1- Got some horses shod.
2, 3, 4, 5 - Hauling wood.
6 - Bought some grain of Henry Crump.
7 - Sunday) Went to Panacca, staid all night.
8 - Done some trading at Coop store & returned home in afternoon.
9 - Settled up with Jack, Kief, & George Ford. Paid the former $79.14 & the latter $170.32, the balance due them on chopping.
10, 11, 12, 13 - Hauling wood.
14 - At home, reading.
15, 16 - Hauling wood.
17 - Cording wood.
18, 19, 20 - Hauling wood.
21 - At home, reading newspaper.
22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 - Hauling wood.
28 - Sunday) Attended meeting at Eagle-ville.
29 - Fixing wagon & cording wood.
30 - Cording wood.
October 1873
1, 2, 3 - Hauling wood.
4 - Cording wood – got stuck in the bottom.
5 - Sunday) Got wagon out.
6 - Went to Panacca on business.
7 - Went to Pioche to make application to the Land Office for my land. stayed overnight.
8 - Sent papers to Land Office at Carson City, & returned home.
9 - Hauling wood.
10 - “ “ My Son Alma arrived from Panguitch.
11 - Hauling wood.
12 - Sunday) At home, reading.
13, 14, 15, 16 - Hauling wood.
17 - Working on road. Team stuck at bottom.
18 - Got wagon out, & wood to the mill.
19 - Sunday) At home.
20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 - Hauling wood.
26 - Sunday) At home, wrote some letters.
27 - Cording wood.
28 - Fixing road & cording wood.
29 - Cording wood.
30, 31 - Hauling wood.
November 1873
1 - Working on road.
2 - Sunday) At home.
3 - Hauling wood.
4, 5 - Cording wood.
6 - Pay day, went to Panacca to get Check changed.
7, 8 - Cording wood.
9 - Sunday) At home, troubled with toothache.
10 - Cording wood; afternoon went to Panacca & back.
11 - Cording wood.
12, 13, 14, 15 - Hauling wood.
16 - Sunday) At home.
17 - Went to Pioche on business. Paid my taxes for 1873, $56.00.
18, 19 - Cording wood.
20 - Finished cording & measured up, having finished my second contract with the Meadow Valley
Mining Co.
21 - Rainy day. Settleing up. Went to Panacca in afternoon.
23 - Sunday) At home.
24 - Started my Family for Panguitch. Went on horse back to Panacca for Some money & overtook
my wagons near the Desert Spring. Camt at the Spring.
25 - Crossed the Desert & camt at Antelope Spring.
26 - Drove to Cedar Creek.
27 - Stopped at Father Gribbles at Red Creek.
28 - Crossed the mountain & camt at the Herd-house in upper Bear Valley.
29 - Drove to Louder Springs.
30 - Sunday) Arrived at Panguitch, found folks all well.
December 1873
1 - Obtained a Cabin of Bishop Sevy & moved a part of my family in.
2 - At home, windy & cold – fixing for a storm.
3 - getting ready to help Alma thresh his wheat.
5 - At home, fixing up Cabin.
6 - At home, Cold stormy weather.
7 - Attended meeting.
8, 9 - At home.
10 - Attended a dance in the evening at Bro. Wm. D. Kartchners.
11 - Assisted Bro. Kartchner to kill a beef.
12 - At home, weather clear and cold, at last. ---------been stormy for a week past.
13 - Clear and verry cold.
14 - Attended meeting. (Sunday).
15 - At home.
16 - Killed a beef. Paid Bro. Kartchner back what I borrowed of him 148 lbs.
17, 18, 19, 20 - At home.
21 - Sunday) Attended meeting.
22 - Went to mill.
23 - At home, making Sleigh.
24 - “ “ went to dance at School house at night.
25 - At home, Christmas Day.
26 - At home.
27 - Got some lumber of John Butler to make a table for School house.
28 - Sunday) By request of the Superintendant I joined the Sunday School as assistant Teacher.
29 - Began teaching a private School in Bro. (Wm.) Kartchner’s Kitchen, consisting of my own family & Bro. Kartchner’s.
From this time on until the 27th of February, continued to teach School
February 1874
28th 1874 – At home, prepairing to go down the River for seed grain & bread stuff.
March 1874
1 - Sunday) Attended meeting. Stormy weather, this past winter has been the hardest for 8 years.
2 - At home, received a letter from Bishop T. J. Jones of Meadow Valley in regard to some money
which he was oweing me, concluded to go out there & settle up my business.
3 - Getting horses shod.
4 - Alma & James started down the river for grain & started for Dry Valley. I camt in Lower Bear Valley Kanion.
5 - Encountered deep snow. Overtook a number of wagons-------Louder and others who were
doub---------to get along. Camt in Middle Kanion.
6 - Blowing hard – had much difficulty in getting along on account of the depth & drifting of the
snow, Camt at Upper herd house, snow very deep---still snowing.
7 - Reached to of the mountain about noon. Met Father Heywood. Stayed at Parowan with
Edward Dalton.
8 - Roads verry muddy, drove to Father morrill’s about 12 m’s, & put up having foundered one
of the horses. Staid till next morning to doctor him.
9 - Got Some hay & drove on, roads verry muddy across the Cedar Bottom, camt within about
5 m’s of Atelope Spring.
10 - Drove to Antelope Spring & breakfasted, drove on, Camt on Desert.
11 - Started early, Breakfasted at Desert Spring Cam’t in Eagle-Valley Wash.
13 - Went to Pioche & collected $772.00.
14 - Drove to Panacca & paid my Tithing, to Bishop T. J. Jones, & got a receipt in full, having paid in the last eight years seven hundred & eight Dollars & ninety cents. $708.90.
15 - Sunday) Attended meeting in Schoolhouse.
16 - Started home about noon, camt within two miles of the Summit.
17 - Drove to Desert Spring.
18 - Crossed the Desert, camt at Antelope Spring.
19 - Camt at Father Morrill’s, rode bad.
20 - Drove to mouth of Little Creek Kanion, as I camt a fierce snow storm set in.
21 - One of my horses failed, but I succeeded in getting to upper Herd-house in Bear Valley.
22 - Sunday) Reached home.
23 - Spent the day in settling in.
24 - Prepairing to plough.
25 - Hauld a load of wood.
26 - Prepairing to plough.
27 - Began ploughing.
28 - Sowed some wheat, (this being done for Alma I having bought no land.
29 - Sunday) Attended meeting.
30 - At home, stormy day.
31 - ---------ting in Crop, very cold & ---------Spring.
April 1874
1 - Started for St. George in company with Ira Elmore. Camt in Bear Creek Kanion.
2 - Camt at Parowan bottom.
3 - Camt near Belllview.
4 - Reached St. George, went over to Mother Knight’s on the Clarra.
5 - Sunday) Attended meeting at St. George Jos. A. Young preached on economy, Oneness, & being masters, not Slaves to our Enemies, in worldly matters George A. Smith, preached on Progress, Temple, Economy, Naturalization, United Order & c. Afternoon Pres. Young Exhibited Hat & said the material cost only 15 or 20 cts. (United Order Hat) Explained how to become independent of our enemies. Said we must practice the principals which had been long taught or all would apostatize had instructions read for the guidance of the People in temporal matters, as toching economy, self-sustainance & c. After meeting went home with Samuel Knight who lived on the Clarra.
6 - Started home, stopt at St. George, made arrangement for a copy of the By-Laws of the United Order of St. George also of some Rules & written Instructions for the guidance of the People this season. Drove on to Washington, Called at Factory & got some cloth &c. due me for wool. Camt at Cottonwood.
7 - Drove on to Canarah in time to attent the evening meeting of Pres. Young & party who were on their way to Salt Lake City. They were preaching & Organizing the people into United Orders as they passed along.
8 - Drove to Cedar City, Attended meeting at 2.ock, Pres. Young Jos. C. Young & others preached on same subjects as at St. George. Attended meeting in the evening.
9 - Drove to Parowan, attended ------------ at 3, ock. Same subjects----------
10 - Attended meeting forenoon, afternoon, & evening, same subjects dwelt upon as before. a great deal of practical knowledge was imparted.
11 - Was requested by Pres. Young to move to Spring Dale on the Virgin River & take charge of that place. Started for home, reached upper Bear Valley herd-house.
12 - Reached home being Sunday.
13 - Began preparing to moove to Spring Dale.
14 - Bought a cow of Bro. H. Judd.
15 - Bought some potatoes of Bishop Sevy.
16, 17, 18, 19 - At home fixing to moove.
20 - Started for Spring Dale. Camt at lower Bear Valley Herd House. Bad roads snowing all day.
21 - Reach the upper herd house with great difficulty, with one wagon having left two behind, the distance traveled only about four miles.
22 - Went back & brought up the two wagons left behind, went on feeling out the road with our feet, crossed the Devide & camt in Little Creek Kanion. Verry cold night.
23 - Sent back my son James who had came thus far to help us over the mountain with an extra span of horses Drove on to Red Creek, bought some flour of Bro. Robinson the miller, reached Father Morrill’s place on Cedar Bottom.
24 - Lay by waiting for Father Morrill to get ready to accompany us to Spring Dale.
25 - Drove on, camt 2 m’s south of Canarrah.
26 - Sunday) Camt at the LeVerkin River.
27 - Arrived Rockvill on the Virgin River, stayed over night with my Uncle Zemira Draper.
28 - Drove on to Spring Dale (3 m’s from Rockvill) the place of our future home on the Virgin River.
29 - About home fixing up.
30 - Ploughed some, & examined the old town site which had once been built up but afterwards vacated on account of Indian troubles, found that there were Lots enough including un-surveyed land to accomadate 40 to 50 families, but there were now only 7 families here.
May 1874
1 - About home.
2 - Attended meeting of the United Order at Rockville at 2, ock.
3 - Sunday) Attended meeting at Rockville.
4 - Some Missionaries from St. George held meeting at Rockville which I attended.
5 - Assisted Bro. Morrill to water some grape cuttings which the United Order had set out. Started my team plowing for sugar cane.
6 - Making garden.
7 - Went with Bro. Morrill up the River to a little place called Zion. (which had been settled, but no families there now,) to get some Corn, left our wagon at 4th crossing, it being unsafe to cross, went on foot to Bro. Wm. Heap’s place. Examined the location & returned home.
8 - About home. Bargained for Wm. Heap’s place at Zion, for $750.00.
9 - Attended meeting of the Order at Rockville.
10 - Sunday) Went to Rockville. Attended meeting in afternoon.
11 - Making garden.
12 - Planting sugar kane.
13 - Went after wood—planting kane.
14, 15, 16 - Planting kane.
17 - Sunday) At home, wrote a letter for Asa who dictated it to his Brothers & Sisters in Panguitch.
18, 19 - Furrowing off for kane.
20, 21 - Began planting kane.
22 - Finished planting kane.
23 - Hauled a load of wood.
24 - Sunday) Attended meeting at Rockville. Today prefered a charge against John S. Rolph and his wife Marthy, for unchristianlike conduct. Trial was set for Tuesday 26th at 2, ock P. M.
25 - Went up to my farm, found that about one acre & a half of it had been washed away by high water. Devided a stand of Bees & returned home, waided the River.
26 - Started to Manti in Sanpete County for a load of flour. Stopped at Rockville to attend the trial of J. S. Rolph & wife. After trial got into a dispute with Rolph & struck him.
27 - Went to Justis Morris & complained of myself, & was fined five dollars. I then continued by journey to Manti. Camt a little north of Bellview, my son George A. & Miss Mary Ann Behunin were with me. In the evening Father Morrill (Miss Behinin’s step-father) came up & camt with us.
28 - Drove to Canarah & left some grain & beens at the mill. reached Father Morrill’s late at night, berry (sic) cold, with rain & wind today.
29 - Drove on, left George A. at Red Creek with Bro. Silas Smith untill he could get compay home, his mother still living at Panguitch. Camt one mile south of Buck Horn Spring, cold night,
30 - Cold & showerey, camt in Wild Cat Kanion.
31 - Met L. Larramie, who told me the Salina Bridge was gone & I would have to go by Richfield to cross the Severe River, turned off at Cove Creek, camt in Clear Kanion within 3 or 4 miles of the Severe.
June 1874
1 - Passed through Joseph City, took dinner with Cutler Behunin at Richfield drove on, crossed the River, water within one foot of Bridge, camt on Lost Creek.
2 - Nooned at a little place called Denmark, reached Manti about 4. ock.
3 - Got 22–55 lbs. wheat ground that Alma had bought, & started home. Camt ----------- half from town.
4 - Nooned opposite Gunnison, camt between Salina & Lost Creek.
5 - Nooned at Severe Bridge, Camt near the head of Richfield Canall.
6 - Nooned on Clear Creek, camt near the Devide.
7 - Nooned at Wild Cat Kanion. camt at North Creek.
8 - Nooned at Beaver Ridge, camt 4 m’s south of Buck-horne Spring.
9 - Drove on to Red Creek, left my flour with Bro. Smith & started for Panguitch, camt at Beaver Dams.
10 - Arrived at Panguitch about noon.
11 - Boys hunting stock–prepairing to move the rest of my family to Springdale.
12, 13 - Prepairing to move.
14 - Sunday) Attended meeting.
15 - Started for SpringDale about noon, Camt in Bear Creek Kanion.
16 - Lost some horses, & was detained till noon, drove to upper herdhouse.
17 - Drove to Red Creek, got my flour, went on & camt on Parowan flat.
18 - Lost some horses & was detained,
19 - Drove to Hamilton’s Fort.
20 - Camt one & a half miles north of Bellview.
21 - Camt on Virgin River, above Virgin City.
22 - Nooned at Rockville, reached home in after-noon.
23 - Alma & his wife started back home–having come with us to assist in mooving. Afternoon went up to my farm, found one stand of bees had ceased to work, wheat and potatoes full of weeds, & suffering for water.
24 - About home, unloading & fixing up.
25 - Wm. Heaps & J. S. Rolph with their families left for Bear Lake Valley. Went up to farm in afternoon.
26 - Brought bees home, took one slat out of working hive with honey & bees on it, & put it in the other to revive them.
27 - Planting corn.
28 - Sunday) Attended meeting at Rockville.
29 - Went up to farm.
30 - At work on farm, weeding, watering wheat & potatoes.
July 1874
1 - At work on farm, afternoon returned home.
2, 3 - About home.
4 - Hunting team, found them above Shonesburg.
5 - Sunday) Received a visit from Bishop Smith of Rockville & his counsellors in forenoon. attended meeting in Rockville in afternoon.
6 - Watering & planting corn.
7 - Went to Rockville for more seed corn.
8 - Went to farm in afternoon.
9, 10, 11 - At farm.
12 - Sunday) Came home.
13 - Went to farm in afternoon.
14 - At farm.
15 - Came home at night.
16 - Watering corn & cane, nice shower today.
17 - Another shower, verry warm.
18 - At home.
19 - Sunday) Attended at meeting Rockville.
20 - Ploughing corn.
24 - Attended celebration at Rockville, it being the aniversary of the entrance of the Pioneers in to the Valley of Salt Lake. heavy rain today.
25 - At home, still rainey.
26 - Sunday) Still raining, went to meeting.
27 - Mended road, also water ditch.
28 - Plowing corn.
29 - Went (to) farm began cutting wheat.
30 - Cutting wheat.
31 - Cutting wheat. Returned home. This month has been verry warm, with an unusual amount of rain fall.
August 1874
1 - Plowing corn.
2 - Sunday) Attended at Rockville.
3 - Rainy day, Attended Election at Rockville.
4 - About home.
5 - Got a load of fire-wood.
6 - Hauling rock for Spring house.
7, 8 - No entries.
9 - Sunday) Went to meeting. This is my birthday, being 43 years old.
10 - Building Spring-house.
11 - Mending water ditch.
12, 13 - Building Spring house.
14 - Received a visit from the appriseing Community of the U. Order who spent the day in this place, appraising property.
15 - Worked on Spring house, afternoon attended Order meeting meeting (sic) at Rockville. today my son-in-law John Kartchner & my two daughters, Lydia A. and Phebe, arrived from Panguitch on a visit & to dry fruit.
16 - Sunday) Attended meeting at Shonesburg with my family.
17 - About home, my Bro. William from Dry Valley arrived, & John Kartchner started home.
18 - Bro. William & I went up to farm.
19 - Went to Rockville on business, rainy day.
20 - Went to farm, got some green corn to dry.
21, 22 - About home.
23 - Attended meeting at Rockville (Sunday)
24 - About home.
25 - Heber Ayers from Virgin City call’d on me today. heavy rain which raised the river higher than at any other time this year.
26 - Repaired water-ditches, which were filled up & broken out yesterday.
27 - Afternoon, went to farm.
28 - Cutting Lucerne, drying fruit &c.
29 - Returned home, Attended Order meeting at Rockville.
30 - Sunday) At home.
31 - At home, unwell today.
September 1874
1 - Went to Rockville & got Bros. Z. Draper & H. Jennings Tithing apples to dry on shares.
2 - Went to farm to begin drying my fruit.
(Here original journal pages 46 to 71, September 2, 1874 to May 5, 1876, are missing.)
May 1876
5, 6 - Plowing & laying off for corn.
7 - Sunday) At home.
8, 9 - Plowing for corn.
10 - At lower settlement plowing. Last night my son-in-law Mark E. Kartchner & his mother arrived from Panguitch on a visit. Also my boy George Asael who had been at Panguitch all winter going to school.
11, 12, 13 - Laying off for corn.
14 - Sunday) Attended Sunday School & meeting.
15 - Laying off for corn, at lower Settlement.
16, 17 - Planting potatoes at lower Settlement.
18 - Returned to Orderville. afternoon plowing water ditch in Kanion above Town.
19 - Went to saw mill for load of lumber.
20 - Plowing & laying off for corn in forenoon. afternoon rested.
21 Sunday) Attended Sunday School & meeting.
22,23, 24, 25 - Plowing & laying off for corn.
26, 27 - Planting potatoes.
28 - Sunday) Attended Sunday School & meeting.
29 - Finished laying off for corn & Lucerne.
30 - Went up the creek about 10 miles to build a house & corall for dairy.
31 - Began corall.
June 1876
1, 2 - Chopping material for house & corall & hauling it.
3 - Working on corall till noon. Afternoon drove to sawmill, loaded up with lumber & came home.
4 - Sunday) Bros. L. H. Hardie & M. D. Young, son of Pres. B. Young, who were traveling in the interest of & organizing Young Men’s Mutual Improvement Associations, preached to us last night & again today & Organized the young men of this place. Thomas Chamberlain President, Henry Esplin first, & Heber Ayers Second councilors. Henry Blackburn Secretary.
5 - Returned to Dairy.
6, 7, 8, 9, 10 - Continued corall building.
11 - Sunday) Remained at Dairy. afternoon toon a ramble through the timber above the Ranch which I enjoyed verry much.
12 - Digging milk cellar & building pig pens &c. till 16th, when I returned to Orderville.
17 - Rested today.
18 - Sunday) Attended Sunday & meeting.
19 - Building Bowerry.
20 - Cleaning up, expecting a visit from Pres. Young in a day or two.
21 - Cutting ditch & making bridge across the street, toward night Pres. Young arrived, Pres. D. H. Wells B. Young Jr. & others with him. Dan Jones one of the New Mexico missionaries gave a brief account of his travels & success while on his mission in the evening.
22 - Attended meeting at 11. Ock. B. Young Jr. & Pres. D. H. Wells preached. P. M. Bro. A. M. Musser & Pres. Young preached, all giving exelent council & incouraged the people to go on in the United Order. Pres. Young said if we did, we would in a few years outstrip all around us–would have things our own way & sell our grain at home at our own price.
Brigham Jr. thanked God that we had grain to impart to those outside of the Order it showed that God would more abundantly bless those who would keep his commandments. Pres. Young also said, you may push to one side, or put off the thime (sic) of receiving the Order, but you cannot get round it, you will have to accept it sooner or later, or come short of Salvation. or if you are Saved at all, will have to take a back seat, & be servants. It is but a small thing to lay down our property, it is not realy ours. There is but one thing we can truly call our own, & that is our will, that will never be taken from us, only those who are worthy of the Second death. He Strongly urged that we should never mention the wrongs of others but see to it that we do right ourselves, especially did he urge this upon the boys & girls. If mothers would treat the children of other women with the Same kindness that they did their own, they would never quarrel.
23 - Returned to Dairy.
24 - At work on milk cellar.
25 - Sunday) At Dairy.
26 - At work on cellar. At night Br. E. Billingsly & others camt with us on their way to the sheep herd.
27 - Bishop Spencer & B. H. Williams, took dinner with, on their way home from Panguitch.
28 - Covering the cellar, at night it began to rain & all hands went in to it for shelter.
29 - Chinking & daubing cellar, Today Bro. I. Hoit, wife & daughter came to Dairy to take the place of Sister Terry & Susan Williams who returned to Ordervill the next day.
30 - Hewing logs for house.
July 1876
1 - Hewing logs for house.
2 - Sunday) - Studying Spanish
3 - Hewing logs for the house.
4 - Went to Orderville to attend the Celebration of this day of American Indipendance.
5 - Returned to Dairy.
6 - Hewing logs.
7 - Rainy day, first rain this summer.
8 - Hewing logs.
9 - Took a ride down the Kanion with a number of others, for goosberries & curents. (Being Sunday).
10 - Hewing logs for house.
11, 12 - Chopping & hewing Sleepers for house.
13 - Began putting up house.
14 - Putting up house.
15 - Afternoon came home.
16 - Sunday) Attended Sunday School & meeting.
17 - Returned to Dairy.
18, 19, 20, 21, 22 - worked on house & returned to Orderville.
23 - Sunday) Attended Sunday School & meeting.
24 - The aniversary of entrence of this people into Salt Lake Valley, & general invitation having been given, a large portion of the people from the settlements above & below assembled at Orderville & spent the forenoon in speeches, songs, readings, toasts &c. afternoon foot & horse racing, climbing greased pole, catching pig by the tail which was shaved & greased, winding up with a dance at night. a good spirit prevailed throughout.
25 - Commenced working at the saw mill, with those who were repairing it. 7- ½ mile above Orderville.
26, 27, 28, 29 - at saw mill.
30 - Sunday) During the day a team was sent from Orderville for me to go to Panguitch with to get my wife & children who were there on a visit. I accordingly drove over the summit to the sheepherd house & campt for the night.
31 - Started early, (prospects of rain) Arrived at Panguitch 12- ½ P.M., folks all well.
August 1876
1 - Went up Panguitch Creek 8 miles to Shigle Mill, where my children were.
2 - Had a good visit & returned to Panguitch.
3 - Started home, my daughter Lydia Kartchner accompanying us on a visit to Orderville. Staid overnight at Bro. Meltiah Hatch’s.
4 - Drove to our Dairy Ranch, had a good rain at night.
5 - Got home all right.
6 - Sunday) Attended Sunday School & meeting.
7 - About home attending a fine mare which had got hurt, & hauling hay.
8 - The same.
9 - “ ” . This is my 45th birthday.
10 - Went on the side of mountain for log to make shaft for bark mill.
11 - About home, toward night went (to) examine a floom which had fallen.
12 - Repairing floom.
13 - Sunday) Attended baptism, there having arrived a number of families to join the United Order, afternoon attended meeting.
14 - Making door for outhouse.
15 - Was appointed by the Bishop to take charge of the stables, Feeding, Teams, &c.
16 - Making Ox bows.
17 - Doing chores, assisting blacksmith &c.
18 - Working at various small jobs.
19 - Attended the Y.M.M.I.A. in the afternoon.
20 - Sunday) Attended Sunday School & meeting, & wrote a letter to Robert Thomas at Provo City, the Pres. of the 45th Quorum of Seventies to which I belong to let him know my whereabouts & standing in the church. quite a number of our people started for Dixie to dry fruit today.
21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 - attending stables, assisting blacksmith doing small jobs &c.
27 - Sunday) Attended Sunday School & meeting.
28, 29, 30, 31 - Feeding teams & other chores.
September 1876
1 - Feeding teams & doing other chores.
2 - Afternoon attended Y.M.M.I.A.
3 - Sunday) Attended Sunday School & meeting.
4 - Feeding, choring & c.
5 - Afternoon began driving team to thresh grain.
6, 7, 8, 9 - Driving team & feeding.
10 - Sunday) Attended Sunday School & meeting.
11 - Feeding, fixing up stables &c.
12 - Doing chores, prepairing to go to Panguitch for my sheep &c.
13 - Started for Panguitch with my sons James & Asael–camt at old sheep ranch.
14 - Drove on to Panguitch, found folks all well.
15 - Rainy day, stayed at Panguitch.
16 - Went up to Shingle mill.
17 - Sunday) At shingle mill, rainy day.
18 - Drove to Sheep herd, near Panguitch.
19 - Got my sheep 230 in all, & drove down to shingle mill.
20 - Received 5 head of born stock of my son Alma on a debt he owed me, & drove down to Panguitch, & found a cow which had been gone 2 years.
21 - Started home, camt at H. Hatch’s Ranch.
22 - Arrived at our sheep herd all right. Drove on to Dairy & camt.
23 - Got home with Bucks & cattle all right.
24 - Began feeding teams again, useing corn & corn fodder saving the hay for Spring.
25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 - Husking corn & feeding teams.
October 1876
1 - Sunday) Attended Sunday School & meeting, also night meeting.
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 - husking corn & feeding as usual.
8 - Sunday) - Attended Sunday School. Afternoon went with Bishop Spencer to Glendale to hold meeting, our women went with us. met John Kartchner my Son-in-law from Panguuitch with a load of shingles for our place. He comes to join the United Order.
9, 10, 11, 12, 13 - husking corn and feeding.
14 - Attended the Y.M.M.I.A. meeting, was appointed to speak next meeting, my subject to be “The Gospel.”
15 - Sunday) Attended Sunday School, was appointed to take charge of it Pro-Tem, as the Superintendant (Br. Samuel Clarage) would be absent for a short time.
16, 17, 18, 19, 20 - Husking corn and feeding as usual.
21 - Attended the Young men’s meeting & delivered my lecture at 7. ock P. M.
22 Sunday) Attended Sunday School & meeting, also evening meeting.
23, 24, 25, 26, 27 - husking corn &c.
28 - Attended Y.M.M.I.A. meeting at 7 ock P.M.
29 - Sunday) Took charge of Sunday School. Attended afternoon & evening meetings.
30, 31 - husking corn & feeding.
November 1876
1, 2, 3, 4 - husking corn & feeding.
5 - Sunday) Attended Sunday School, afternoon & evening meetings.
6 - Began feeding mail carriers horse 4 times a week.
7 - Attended election, voted for G. Q. Cannon for delegate to Congress.
8, 9 - husking corn & feeding as usual.
10 - John Kartchner & family arrived, having joined our Order.
11 - Husking corn & feeding.
12 - Sunday) Had charge of Sunday School today. attended meetings.
13, 14, 15, 16, 17 - Husking corn and feeding.
18 - Attended the Y.M.M.I.A. meeting in the evening.
19 - Sunday) Attended Sunday School & meetings as usual.
20 - This week, husking corn & feeding.
26 - Attended the Young men’s meeting.
27 - Sunday) Attended Sunday School & meetings.
28, 29, 30 - as usual.
December 1876
1 - My wife Sally’s birthday.
2 - Attended the Y.M.M.I.A. meeting in the evening.
3 - Sunday) Attended Sunday School & afternoon & evening meetings.
4, 5, 6, 7, 8 - as usual.
9 - Attended the Y.M.M.I.A. meeting.
10 - Sunday) Attended Sunday School & afternoon & evening meetings.
11, 12, 13 - As usual.
14 - Mooved into new shanty, at North east corner of the Square.
15, 16 - husking corn and feeding teams.
17 - Sunday) Attended Sunday School, afternoon & evening meetings.
18 - This week, feeding & fixing up about the house.
24 - Attended Sunday meeting.
25 - Christmas Day, remained indoors, having taken a severe cold and it settling on my lungs.
26, 27, 28, 29, 30 - Sick.
31 - Sunday) Still confined to the house. Thus far this winter we have had no snow.
January 1877
1 - Beautiful day. Having taken a fresh cold from this time on till the 9th I was unable to leave the house.
9 - I again took charge of the feeding by having one of my boys to help me, but my health did not hold out, on the morning of the 14th, between 12, & 1, ock I was taken with a severe pain in my bowels & side, which increased untill about noon, when I got relief the administration of the Elders. From this time I improved, but sickly during the whole month.
February 1877
1 - Continued feeble for two weeks.
15 - Today began assisting the secretary to settle up the business accounts of the United Order. Was appointed one of the appraisers.
16 - The same as yesterday.
17 - The same.
18 - Sunday) Attended Sunday School & meeting.
19, 20, 21, (22 missing), 23, 24 - Served on the appraising committee & feeding teams.
25 - Sunday) Attended Sunday School, afternoon & evening meetings.
26 - Has been raining off & on since night before last, being the second storm we have had this winter.
27, 28 - feeding teams.
March 1877
1 - Attended fast meeting, in forenoon.
2 - Appraising in forenoon, afternoon sick.
3 - On the appraising committee.
4 - Sunday) Attended Sunday School & meeting.
5, 6 - Feed Department.
7 - Sick.
8, 9, 10 - feed Department.
11 - Sunday) Attended Sunday School & afternoon meeting & evening meeting.
12, 13 - On appraising committee.
14 - This morning about 7, o,ck, Bro. R. H. Brown died verry suddenly.
15 - This evening at a special Board meeting, I was appointed to fill R. H. Brown’s place on Executive committee.
16, 17 - Attending to business on committee.
18 - Sunday) - Attended Sunday School & meetings as usual.
19 - On Executive & Appraising committees, feeding teams &c.
20 - Attend to my various duties.
21 - Distributing home made lincies &c.
22 - Began cutting straw & mixing with bran for horse feed.
23 - Feeding teams &c.
24 - “ ” Attended Board meeting in the evening, was released from the Executive committee & appointed to take charge of all the feeding - cows & hogs as well as teams.
25 - Sunday ) Attended Sunday School & meetings as usual.
26 - Bro. R. H. Brown having died, & Bro. John Esplin Sen. having been sent to Kanab for season, (myself alone being left of the Appraising Committee), Bros. John R. Young, & Henry Esplin were appointed to fill their places. We began today to make an inventory of all the properties of the United Order.
27 - Began building a place for cutting & mixing feed.
28, 29, 30, 31 - Ingaged in feed Dept.
April 1877
1 - Sunday) Attended Sunday School & meetings. in the evening I was attacked with this strange pain in my stomache again.
2 - Unwell, but attended to feeding.
3, 4, 5, 6, 7 - Attending feed Department.
8 - Sunday) Another attack of pain in the stomache in the morning. Afternoon went to meeting. Sick again at night.
9 - Around, but quite unwell.
10, 11, 12, 13, 14 - Attending to business.
15 - Attended Sunday School & meetings. The Brethren who attended the late conference at St. George, gave an account of the teachings given there by the first President Twelve Apostles & others.
16 - Stormy day. Appraising the property of some Brethren who have just joined the U. O.
17, 18 - attending to my usual labors.
19 - Bros. John Taylor, Orson Pratt, Erastus Snow & Lorenzo Snow of the Twelve Apostles, Bishops Ward & Nuttall, & others arrived here as missionaries.
20 - All of the Twelve preached, principally on the U. Order. Pres. John Taylor prophesied that if we would continue faithful & humble we would be blessed a thousand times times (sic) more than we expected or imagines. Bro. O. Pratt said, there were two great points to make to become on (one) in Spiritual & in temporal things. We were already tolerably well united in Spiritual things, He compaired the true Order as it would be with our Order here, that we might see what we lacked, saying we were nearer to it than any other settlement.
Bro. Lorenzo Snow said, we were nearer the true Order here than at his place, (Brigham City) but our circumstances were more favorable to the Order. We must now (not) however overreach ourselves by undertaking too much, if we have a high mountain to climb we must not attempt to go straight to the top in a given time, but give sufficient time for the weak to get up.
The settlements in this vicinity were organized into a Stake of Zion & a High Council appointed. The Malicia was also organized throughout this Destrict.
21 - The missionaries left this morning for Panguitch. Cold & snowing by spells all day. Today 5 Brethren from Leeds Washington County, vis. Bishop Goudy Hogan, his two councilors, Alma T. Angell & J. T. Wilkenson, & Mosiah Hancock & Wm. Sterling arrived here to join our Order being sent by Pres. Young.
22 - No entry.
23 - The Brethren from Leeds returned home today saying they would bring their families & try it, but two of them, Sterling & Wilkenson did not seem to relish the Order verry much.
24 - Tending feed Department.
25 - Had a good rain today–mixed with snow.
26, 27, 28 - Feed Department.
29 - Sunday) Attended Sunday School & meetings.
30 - Feed Department. This month had been verry stormy.
May 1877
1 - Feed Department. This is a holaday for the young folk.
2 - Feeding, attending cows & chickens &c.
3, 4, 5 - The same.
6 - Sunday) Attended Sunday School & meetings.
7, 8 - Feed Dept.
9 - Milch cows taken to Dairy today.
10, 11, 12 - Feed Dept.
13 - Sunday) Attended Sunday School and meetings, in the evening I remained but a few minutes, when I was taken with the pain in my stomache & was obliged to go home.
14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 - Feed Dept.
20 - Sunday) Attended Sunday School & meetings. Began to re-organize the Sunday School today, Elected an assistant secretary & a Librarian, appointed some new class teachers, & ordered a list of all the children from 6 years & upwards to be taken during the coming week, & blank Class books to be ruled.
21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 - Feed Dept.
27 - Sunday) Attended meeting, continued the Organization of the Sunday School as far as practicable.
28, 29, 30, 31 - Feed Department.
June 1877
1, 2 - Feeding - Tending Stallions, &c.
3 - Sunday) Was appointed to take charge of the Sunday School for a few weeks. Attended afternoon & evening meetings.
4 - Appraising property.
5, 6, 7, 8, 9 - Feed Dept. On the 7th Father Samuel Muliner & son visited us, they came to arrange for joining the Order here.
10 - Sunday) Attended Sunday School & meetings. Our Sunday School has a much larger attendence since its reorganization.
11 - Still feeding teams, hogs, & chickens &c.
12, 13, 14, 15, 16 - Feed Dept.
17 - Sunday) One of our grand-children being sick at the Kartchner Farm 9 miles up the creek, my wife Sally & I went to see it, found the child better.
18 - Left my wife with the sick child & returned home.
19, 20 - Feeding as usual.
21, 22 - Sacking hay. (Probably stacking)
23 - Appraising property.
24 - Sunday) Attended Sunday School & meetings. Myself & Henry Esplin were appointed today to go to Leeds, to appraise the property of Bros. Hogan, Angell, & Hancock, who have joined the Order & mooved to this place as it is considered wisdom not to sell their real estate there, at present.
25 - Started for Leeds, late in the afternoon in company of Bishop Hogan & A. T. Angell & Henry Esplin. Bros. E. Billingsly & George Adair with their families, who are going to St. George to do a work in the Temple travel with us. Camt 2 miles below Lon’s Spring.
26 - Drove to Lon’s Spring & watered teams. Cam’t 2 or 3 miles above Seap Spring. quite unwell today having taken cold last night.
27 - Finding no water at Seap Spring, Drove on to Cottonwood spring which is 2 miles off the road to the north, & watered our animals.
28 - Drove to Workmans & lay by till noon, reached Leeds at dark.
29 - Watering vineyard, & doing various chores. Received of Kanab United Order per Alen Frost some cheese to sell on commission.
30 - Putting up hay, verry warm day.
July 1877
1 - Sunday) Attended Sunday School at 9, o,ck & Public Service at 11, o,ck. afternoon called on father Harris by invitation & conversed with him on the principals of the United Order.
2 - Hauling & stacking hay.
3 - Through the heat of the day stay’d indoors on account of sore eyes.
4 - The fireing of an anvil, early in the morning, reminded us that another national anniversary had dawned.
5 - Furrowing off grape vines for watering & hauld a load of hay to Rosenkrantz at the Quarts Mill.
6 - Started to St. George in the afternoon to attend the Quarterly Conference, camt in the street at Washington.
7 - Started early. Drove in to St. George, put up at Wm. Blakes. Attended conference through the day, & went to the Clarra at night with my mother-in-law, L. R. McLellin.
8 - Sunday) Returned & attended conference, had a good time, hearing reports from the various wards of the Stake, & receiving much good instruction.
9 - Attended the counties convention, central committees meeting, was elected one of that committee & appointed one of three chalengers to attend the ensuing August Election at Leeds. Took dinner at Washington, with Bro. Marcius Funk. Reached home at night–verry warm.
10 - Doing various jobs.
11 - Hauling hay, & other jobs.
12 - Quite unwell this morning. assisted in fixing up Bro. Angells house preparitory to mooving in to it.
13 - Mooved up Town to the house of Brother Alma T. Angell, intending to make it our permanent headquarters.
14 - Making pig-pen & other jobs, had some ripe peaches today.
15 - Sunday) Attended meeting al 11, o,ck. Having been appointed by Pres. J. D. T. McAllister to take charge of the Leeds Ward while Bishop Hogan goes noth (north) to Catch (Cache) Co. I went to HarrisBurg in the afternoon, (it being a part of the Ward) & held meeting, was sustained by the people of both towns, by a unanimous vote.
16 - Building steps to house.
17, 18 - Choring about home.
19 - Brought Bro. Hancock’s loose property from his place to where I lived. Bros. Hogan & Angell starts for Orderville today, & from thence Bro. Hogan starts north,
20 - Hauling hay,
21 - Appraising property. Received a Card from St. George, requiring a Delegate to be sent from here to the County Convention.
22 - Sunday) Attended Sunday School at 9, & meeting 11, o,ck. A.M. Afternoon at home.
23 - Spent the forenoon in conversation with the old Setlers here to devise some way to prevent incroachments on our fruit & gardens by thieves & rowdys.
24 - Today is the 30th Anniversary of the entrance of the Pioneers into Salt Lake Valley. Hoing in the Lot & doing chores.
25, 26 - Fixing up the house.
27 - Making poke for yearling heiffer, writing &c. &c.
28 - Rented 30x60 ft. of Bro. Hancock’s Lot to F. H. Loughery for one year, with the privalige of 4 years more at $5.00 per month in advance. afternoon at home writing.
29 - Attended meeting at 11 o,ck being Sunday. Benjamin Black of Orderville arrived, having come down to assist us.
30 - B. H. Williams, Business Agent of Orderville U. O. called on us today, on his way to St. George. Writing & doing chores.
31 - Making doubletrees. Doing chores &c.
August 1877
1 - Tending water, & choring about home.
2 - Bro. Hans Peter Iverson a returning missionary with 6 immigrants arrived from Denmark, on their way to Washington, Washington Co. Utah. After holding Fast meeting, I took my team and conveyed them to their journey’s end.
3 - Started early & drove to St. George. Starting home in the afternoon, Stay’d overnight at Washington. I bring from St. George, Bro. George Adair & family who have been working in the Temple. They will remain with us at Leeds for a time to help dry fruit.
4 - Drove home. Afternoon prepairing to dry fruit.
5 - Sunday) Held meeting at 11, ock. Went to Harrisburg to hold meeting there in the afternoon. Started a subscription to send a hand to work on the Sanpete Temple.
6 - Election day. Having been appointed a chalenger I attended Election all day as such, which passed off quietly for a mining famp. My wife Sally with her three youngest children arrived from Orderville today.
7 - Stacking hay & watering Lot.
8 - Watering. Writing & c.
9 - My 46th BirthDay. Went to Harrisburg for some Tithing apples.
10 - Putting out fruit.
11 - Father Billingsly & Lon Cox with their families who had been working in the Temple, on their way back to Orderville call’d on us, they will lay by over Sunday to rest themselves & teams.
12 - Sunday Attended Sunday School & meetings. Call’d a meeting of the Teachers & Deacons in the afternoon, there not being a full attendence, I appointed another meeting for next Sunday afternoon.
13 - Drying fruit.
14 - Went to Harrisburg on business for O.U.O.
15 - Choring about home.
16 - Went up the Kanion 6 miles to Mr. Forshea’s Ranch to get a cow of M. L. Hancock’s also to look for wood.
17 - Henry Esplin & Ben Black started for Orderville with some stock belonging to the O.U.O.
18 - Choring about home.
19 - Sunday Attended Sunday School & meeting. Afternoon, held Lesser Priesthood meeting. Charles Wilkenson was appointed President of the Teachers & Deacons for the time being. He & Wm. Sterling were to make the first round & report in two weeks. George Oler Deacon to attend the Meeting-House, Sweep out, and bring water &c.
20 - Having taken Brig McMullin’s orchard to dry on shares, began putting out fruit today.
21 - Watering. Late at night Bros. M. L. Hancock, Amus Stvens (sic) & Wm. Rothwell arrived from Orderville with lumber.
22, 23, 24 - Choring about home.
25 - Hauling hay. Attended Young Men’s Mutual Improvement Association meeting at night.
26 - Sunday) Attended Sunday School & meeting. In the evening my boys James W. & Jesse M. arrived from Orderville. Also Orvil Cox & his wife Mary.
27 - Gathering peaches.
28 - Received a call from Pres. J. D. T. McAllister who had come out to meet his family that were on their way from Salt Lake City to St. George. Gathering Fruit.
29 - George Adair & family, also Philena Esplin started for Orderville. Bro. McAllister returned having met his family & took breakfast with us. Marius Ensine Bishop at Santa Clarra & other brethren were with Bro. McAllister having freight for him. Went to Harrisburg in the afternoon. Our much esteemed President of the Church of Jesus christ of Latter Day Saints (*Brigham Young) died at 4, o-ck this afternoon at Salt Lake.
30 - Drying peaches. Got a letter from Bp. Hogan at Richmond Catch (Cache) County. Wrote a letter to Bp. Chamberlain at Orderville.
31 - Received some letters from St. George, Drying fruit.
September 1877
1 - Engaged collecting donations for St. George Temple. Afternoon took Bro. Rothwell & outfit to Harrisburg, who with others from that place were going to work on the Temple Block at St. George.
2 - Sunday) Attended Sunday School & meeting.
3 - Choring about home. Saw Br. John McFarlain on some business.
4 - Wrote a letter to Bp. Hogan Richmond, Catch County.
5 - Drying peaches.
6 - Fast day, attended baptism at 9, o,ck. meeting at 10,o,ck. afternoon drying fruit.
7 - Drying peaches. Thieves prey on our vinyards every night.
8 - Drying Peaches.
9 - Sunday) Attended Sunday School & meeting. Bro.s. Wm. Laney & -------- McMullin from Harrisburg preached to us today.
10, 11 - Drying fruit.
12 - Visiting Ward. Making out Report for PriestHood meeting for 15th of Sept. at St. George. Had a short but severe spell of sickness today–my old trouble of pain in the stomache.
13 - Making out Report &c.
14 - Started to St. George, My wife, Sally & children go with me on a visit to her mother at the Santa Clarra. Stopped at Harrisburg to do some business. Left some tithing at St. George, arrived at the Clarra 9, ock P.M.
15 - Attended Priesthood meeting at St. George. Returned to the Clarra.
16 - Sunday) Attended meeting at St. George. Was call’d on to speak, Took dinner with Pres. McAllister, who gave some good council toching (touching) Leeds ward. Returned to Clarra.
17 - Started home. Done some business at St. George, also at Washington. & arrived home at 10,ock P.M.
18 - Drying peaches.
19 - Writing & tending to ward business.
20 - Drying peaches & choring.
21 - Began gathering grapes. Pres. J. D. T. McAllister Wm. Blake & wife took breakfast with. They were on their way to attend the Salt Lake conference. In the afternoon Bros. I. V. Carling, John Carling, Lisander Porter & two wives, and sister Sarah Webb, who were on their way to Orderville from the St. George Temple, arrived & staid overnight with us.
22 - Gathering grapes.
23 - Sunday) President Henry Eyering and Bp. Miles P. Romney of St. George paid us a visit & preached to us. In the ----- I had another severe attack of pain in the stomache.
24 - Gathering grapes, & attending to business.
25 - Gathering & putting out peaches.
26 - Gathering & putting out grapes.
27 - Hauling hay.
28 - Unwell. Gathering grapes in P.M.
29 - Tore down & mooved lumber stable to get boards to dry fruit on.
30 - Sunday) Today Bp. T. J. Jones & Bro. Gould of Washington Ward call’d on us as missionaries & preached to us. also Levi Hancock one of the 7 Pres. of Seventies from the same Ward, preached. All gave good instruction. Up till the present the season has been verry fine for drying fruit, having had but two slight showers this summer. The fruit & hay & other crops have been cut short somewhat for want of water to irrigate.
October 1877
1- Went to Washington to learn if there were any good cotton land at or near that place which could be bought. Call’d at Harrisburg on some ward business. Not finding the men I wished to see I went to St. George, done some business, and returned to Washington. Staid overnight with Bp. Jones.
2 - Went up the Virgin River with Samuel Adair and Hans Hansen who showed me some land belonging to them and others living at Washington and other which was for sale. Returned to Washington. Staid overnight with S. Adair.
3 - Started home by way of Brigham City Cotton farm on the River. Bro. James May the foreman gave me an account of their success at that place in building dam, ditch, waste gates and c. also in planting and raising cotton. 5 miles above May’s Camp, I examined Bro. Lang’s place which was for sale but did not think it suitable. Got home late.
4 - Attending to business and writing a letter to the authorities at Orderville containing a report of what I had done in regard to the cotton enterprise. Sent letter by Wm. Rothwell.
5 - Taking care of the fruit.
6 - Doing various chores.
7 - Sunday) Attended Sunday School and meeting. At 3 o,ck P.M. held meeting at Harrisburg.
8 - Choring about home.
9, 10 - Tending water and taking up grapes.
11, 12 - Choring about home.
13 - Bp. Chamberlain from Orderville arrived.
14 - Sunday) Attended meeting and Sunday School. Began evening meetings.
15 - Bro. A. T. Angell having left the U. O. of Orderville, it was thought best vacate his house, accordingly we commenced moving down to Pres. Young’s house again.
16 - Still mooving.
17 - Having sold some hay to J. Rich was hauling it when I was kicked by a horse on the thigh which lamed me badly. Afternoon rode to Silver Reef on some business. A. T. Angell returned from Orderville with his family.
18 - Went to Washington with Bp. Chamberlain for the purpose of buying land for a cotton farm on the River a little above that place. Suffered much with my thigh today. Stayed overnight with Bp. Jones.
19 - Having bought the claimes of 4 or 5 of the Brethren we started back leaving as many more claims yet to buy of those not at home, who, their neighbors say will sell. Called on Bros. Wilson and May on the way. Bought another claim of John Earl of Harrisburg which joines the other land we have bought. Arrived home, my lameness a little better, but verry much fatigued.
20 - Bp. Chamberlain starts home today. I turned over to him what money I had on hand amounting to $167.00 At home resting my lameness improving slowly.
21 - Sunday) Attended Sunday School & meetings. This evening my son Alma and wife, son-in-law, John Kartchner & daughter Lydia H. arrived on their way to St. George Temple to do some work therein. they having been call’d on a mission to Arizona.
22 - My wife & I went with our children to the Clarra to stay over night, with her mother.
23 - I remained at the Clarra, not being well.
24 - Went with the children to St. George to transact some business & do some work in the Temple.
25, 26 - In the Temple. had our son Alma Zemira & two twin daughters Mary & Martha who were born before we had our Endowments, sealed to us. This being according to the law of the Lord.
27 - Returned to Leeds.
28 - Our children bid us goodbye, for how long we cannot tell, as we do not expect to see them again previous to their going to Arizona. Being Sunday, I attended Sunday School & meetings as usual.
29 - A very cold windy day. Staid indoors. not being well. A Methodist minister called on me today, desiring the use of our Schoolhouse to preach in, granted gratis, but did not go to hear him on account of my health.
30 - Cold rainy day, snowing on the mountains. Stay’d indoors.
31 - Clearing up, but cold.
November 1877
1 - Fast day. attended meeting. P. M. making out Ward Report.
2 - Started for St. George to attend the monthly Priesthood meeting, Staid over night at Washington with Bp. T. J. Jones.
3 - Rode on to St. George. attended meeting at 11. O,ck. Went to Santa Clarra. Staid over night with Samuel Knight, my Brother-in-law.
4 - Sunday) Attended meeting at the Tabernacle in St. George, & in the evening at the 3rd Ward School-house.
5 - On my way home, call’d at Washington to see Tom, Clark, John Jakeway & others to buy land etc.
6, 7, 8, 9 - About home.
10 - Went to Harrisburg for some flour.
11 - Sunday) Attended Sunday School & meetings.
12 - About home, Today the company for the cotton farm arrived on the River & Bp. Hogan here in Leeds.
13 - Having been appointed to take charge of the cotton farm I, in company with Bp. Hogan started for that place. Took dinner at the camp. Went to Washington bought some hay. Stay’d overnight with Samuel Adair.
14 - Bought a Bill of goods at the Factory for the Order at Orderville. Done some other business & returned to Leeds.
15 - Got wagon repaired.
16 - Returned to camp on the River.
17 - Hauling hay from Washington Field.
18 - Sunday) Went to Washington to attend meeting. Bp. Edward Bunker from Muskeet Flat preached on the United Order. In the evening he again preached on the same subject, also Bro. Dunn of Brigham City, on the same subject.
19 - Went to Leeds for lumber grindstone & other things.
20 - Returned to camp on the River.
21 - Went to St. George for a cooking stove.
22 - Choring about camp, looking for sand & clay & c.
23 - Examining land and ditch, etc. etc.
24 - Took up some claimes. Getting water down, etc, etc.
25 - Sunday) Attended meeting at Washington.
26, 27 - Getting water down & other jobs.
28 - Went to Washington, on business.
29 - Getting water down.
30 - Getting water down. verry cold for this time of year, here.
December 1877
1 - Getting water down, which is a tedious job, the land so verry dry & gopher holes innumerable.
2 - Sunday) Went to Washington to Meeting.
3 - Bro. H. P. Iverson began laying up cellar wall. P.M. Attended a special meeting at Camp Lorenzo. Business of a local nature was talked over, Bishop T. J. Jones present.
4 - Went to Leeds on business, verry windy & cold.
5 - Endeavoring to sell some hay.
6 - Went to Silver Reef & Quarts Mill on a business.
7 - The same.
8 - At horse race at the Reef. Saw John Wm. Smith & traded for some land on the River.
9 - Sunday) Returned to camp.
10 - Went to Washington to Borrow some four. (flour?)
11 - Bought some hay of Niels Nissen.
12 - Grubbing & mending ditch.
13 - Grubbing & chores.
14 - Job work.
15 - A welcome rain fel last night. Went to St. George to attend conference.
16 - Sunday) At 1 o,ck received a telegram from Orderville, stating my wife (*Caroline) was verry sick & a child just born was dead. Started for Orderville immediately on horseback, got as far as Rockville. Stayed overnight with Amy Draper, my Aunt.
17 - Reached Orderville, found my (wife) dead. She had died the day before at 1 o,ck P.M.
18 - Stormy day. At 4 ock 30 minutes, I attended the funeral of my wife, her Babe who lived only three hourse and was burried on the 13th was exhumed & placed by her side.
19 - At Orderville.
20 - Attended Board meeting. John W. Young from Salt Lake City, on his way to Arizona was present, & gave some good council.
21 - Preparing to return to camp on the River.
22 - Attending to business.
23 - Sunday) A.M. Attended Sunday School. Afternoon & evening went to meeting.
24 - Blowing and snowing all day.
25 - Christmas. In counsil with the Board of Directors all day. Still stormy.
26 - Attending to business.
27 - Getting wagon ready for Cotton Farm.
28 - Loading up.
29 - Started for Cotton Farm. Left my youngest girl Laury L. with Sister Petersen, the other 4 children 2 boys & 2 girls I take with me. Camt 1 mile west of Big Hill.
30 - Met Bro. Stallworthy & family on Divide & changed teams with him. Thomas Stallworthy jun returned to Cotton Farm with me to bring back team. Camt at mouth of cottonwood Kanyon, here I met my wife Sally with her children from Leeds, She turned round and came to Cotton Farm with me. verry cold night.
31 - Camt near the Herricane Mountain.–tonight we bid good-bye to 1877 which has been a verry eventful year to me.
January 1878
1 - Arrived at Cotton Farm, found all well.
2 - Went to Washington on business.
3 - Went to Washington again on business
4 - Working on the cellar.
5 - Moving in-to cellar.
6 - Sunday) Went to Washington to meeeting.
7 - Fixing up cellar.
8 - Went to Washington on business.
9 - Went again to Washington, obtained Some Beef, Fixed Bridge across the Washington Field Ditch.
10 - Took my wife (*Sally) & her little children to her mothers on the Clarra to stay untill we are better situated here.
11 - Started up the River to collect Some debts, get some ash timber &c. Stayed overnight at Leeds.
12 - Drove to Rockville. Put up with Aunt Amy Draper.
13 - Sunday) Bros. T. J. Jones, Milo Andrus & ---------- Clark, home missionaries preached.
14 - Went with D. M. Palmer up the River for ash timber, Stayed near my old place overnight.
15 - Having got what ash & oak I could haul, returned to Springdale–done some business and drove over to Shonesburg & stayed with Oliver DeMill.
16 - Drove to Rockville, got some grape roots & beef, thence to Virgin City.
17 - Rainy day. Drove to Tokerville and nooned at Moses’ Clauson’s. Camt at Leeds.
18 - Settled up some Tithing accounts with Bp. Hogan & drove home, found all well at camp.
19 - Unloading–taking care of timber & other jobs.
20 - Sunday) Ex, Bishop Goudy Hogan pay’d us a visit. Held meeting in the cellar–this being the first publick services held at this place, we dedicated our land-improvements–ourselves, & our labors to God and the building up of His Kingdom.
21 - Began stone corall. Made road to new stone quarry. Had good rains of late.
22 - Laying up corall.
23 - Went (to) Washington on business.
24, 25 - Mending shoes & other jobs.
26 - Writing & mending wagon tongue.
27 - Attended meeting at Washington, it being Sunday.
28 - Making hay-rack & other jobs.
29, 30 - Making hay-rack & c.
31 - Finished hay-rack & hauled a load of hay.
February 1878
1 - Went to Clara Settlement to visit my wife (*Sally) who had given birth to a girl (*Chloe), found her & child doing well.
2 - Attended Priesthood meeting at St. George was set apart as Presiding Priest at the Orderville Cotton Farm Branch of the Washington Ward, under the hand of Pres. J. D. T. McAllister & his councillors, T. J. Jones & Henry Eyring. afternoon returned home.
3 - Sunday) Attended meeting at St. George. Sent my daughter Susan L. to the Clarra to tend upon my wife during her confinement. Got a quarter of Beef of D. Cannon. As I passed homeward found head of our team animals in the Estray Pound, for which I had to pay $4.00.
4 - Choring A.M. Laying up corall P.M.
5 - Choring–Grubbing & c.
6 - Levelling & working on water ditch.
7 - Attended fast meeting at Washington P.M. on water ditch.
8, 9 - The same i.e. on water ditch.
10 - Sunday) At home, reading Bee Book.
11 - A.M. mending dam. PM on ditch. at night some ox teams from Orderville with lumber flour & grain arrived. also some Brethren & sester (sister) on their way to the Temple.
12 - Rainy day. covering cellar, or that portion of it which had not been covered.
13 - Putting cellar windows & other jobs.
14 - Fixing cellar in-side.
15 - Making harrow & c.
16 - Finished harrow & done some other jobs.
17 - Sunday) Attended meeting at Washington.
18 - Went to Washington to get some blacksmithing done, got a few mulberry cuttings, which I brought home & set out the same day.
19 - Planted some potatoes–early rose & mechannock’s.
20 - Planting potatoes.
21 - Making road round point of bench & working on ditch.
22 - On ditch.
23 - A.M. on ditch. P.M. went to Washington & St. George to pay some flour I had borrowed at Factory, & that I was owing at other places. At night went over to the Clarra to see my wife & children.
24 - Sunday Returned home P.M.
25 - Helped boys off for wood, made some ax handles & c.
26 - Taking the level for a new ditch farther up the river. Found that the water can be brought on the Bench south of the house, P.M. went to Washington & St. George on business.
27 - Fixing cart for hauling dam timbers P.M. writing. Rainy day.
28 - Worked on road for hauling rock.
March 1878
1 - Went to Bro. May’s camp on business. P.M. looking for rock to make dam.
2 - Putting floor in west room of cellar.
3 - Sunday) Went to Clarra to bring my wife & children home. Got some tamarick & wild muscrew cuttings.
4 - Set them out, Went to Washington on business.
5 - Went to Leeds on business.
6 - Working on Tunnel.
7 - Went to St. George on business. Heavy wind to day.
8 - T. J. Clark called to see me on land trade. Wrote to Orderville in regard to it.
9 - Mending shoes.
10 - Sunday) Went to Washington to meeting.
11 - Leveling garden grounds.
12 - Chopping dam timbers.
13 - Making rake & other jobs A.M. Plowing garden P.M.
14 - Making garden.
15 - Doing various small jobs.
16 - Went to the Quately (quarterly) conference at St. George,
17 - Sunday) Attended conference.
18 - Went to Washington on business. wrote a letter to Bishop Chamberlain at night.
19 - Plowing waste ditch, hauling brush off the land, & went to Washington for beef.
20 - Working on leavy, Went to Camp Lorenzo to borrow scraper & other business.
21, 22 - Building Dam.
23 - Making head gate A.M. & wagon tongue P.M.
24 - Sunday) Held meeting at 10, ock.
25 - Making head gate.
26, 27, 28, 29 - Working on Dam.
30 - Went to St. George on business.
31 - Sunday) Held meeting at 10. Ock A.M. Went to Washington to meeting P.M. Pres. J. D. T. McAllister Jacob Gates, Charles Smith & others from St. George as missionaries preached.
April 1878
1 - Working on Dam,
2 - Prepairing Lucerne ground,
3 - Went to St. George for Beef & other business.
4 - Leveling lucerne ground & other jobs.
5 - Plowing waste ditch, burning brush.
6 - Fixing plow & various odd jobs &c.
7 - Sunday) Held meeting at 10, ock, A.M. Some of the Brethren & Sisters from Camp Lorenzo met with us today. Attended meeting at Washington afternoon.
8 - Went to St. George for beef & other things, Returned by Factory & got cotton seed to Plant.
9 - Working on Ditch.
10 - Prepairing Lucerne ground etc, etc.
11 - Sowing lucerne etc etc,
12 - Leveling lucerne ground etc, etc.
13 - Fixing ditch & watering. Received a letter from my Son-in-law in Arizona.
14 - Sunday) Held meeting at 10, ck. P.M. Writing to my Son-in-law in Arizona.
15 - Making water gate etc.
16 - Mending dam. Had a good rain yesterday P.M. & last night.
17 - Began putting out grape roots.
18 - Putting out grape roots & other jobs.
19 - Plowing. Setting grapes &c.
20 - Building hen house. Mending shoes, etc. Rainy day.
21 - Sunday) Held meeting at 10, ock. Attended at Washington P.M.
22 - Braiding Whip-lash etc.
23 - Began planting cotton, went up to I. Hunsaker’s on business. Joe Crofts & my son James W. started for Orderville. River verry muddy.
24 - Laying off for watering A.M. Went to Washington to borrow some flour P.M.
25 - Making small harrow for covering cotton seed.
26 - Leveling, & planting cotton.
27 - Planting cotton–watering & various other jobs.
28 - Sunday) Bishop Jones & Councillor Larsen attended our meeting today.
29 - Went to Washington on business in the morning, balance of the day laying off for cotton.
30 - Plowing A.M. watering P.M. Beginning to be warm weather.
May 1878
Definite change of handwriting here.
1 - Watering for cotton other jobs.
2 - Watering Lucerne.
3 - Plowing cotton etc. etc.
4 - Odd jobs A.M. Went to Washington to borrow flour &c P.M.
5 - Sunday) Held meeting as usual. Attended at Washington P.M.
6 - Planting cotton &c.
7 - Making water spout, & burning brush.
8 - Planting cotton.
9 - Plowing A.M. Planting cotton P.M.
10 - Watering &c.
11 - Planting cotton A.M. Went to pay borrowed flour at Washington P.M.
12 - Sunday) Attended meeting at camp Lorenzo at 10 o,ck A.M.
13 - Watering etc. etc.
14 - Sowing lucerne.
15 - Doing odd jobs.
16 - Prepairing Madder ground etc.
17 - Planting cotton.
18 - Planting cotton A.M. went to Washington on business P.M.
19 - Sunday) Held meeting as usual. Read Sermon of E. Snow.
20 - Planted some madder today, quite showerey.
21 - Planting cotton, still showerey.
22 - About the house, making bee hive etc.
23 - Planting cotton etc.
24 - Planting corn etc.
25 - Finished Bee hive.
26 - Sunday) Held meeting as usual which was attended by Bro. Gould & another Teacher from Washington.
27 - Went to Washington on business.
28 - Went to Leeds on business.
29 - Divided Bees etc.
30 - Watering for Kane, A.M. & watering cotton P.M.
31 - Planting Sugar Kane.
June 1878
1 - Went to Washington & St. George on business.
2 - Sunday) Held meeting at 10. ck A.M. Also attended meeting at Washington P.M.
3, 4, 5 - Repairing Dam.
6 - Helping teams off to Orderville.
7 - Watering cotton.
8 - Mending ditch. Planting beens & kane.
9 - Attended meeting at Camp Lorenzo.
10 - Planting Sugar Kane, was taken with a pain in my brest in the afternoon. Bros. E. M. Webb & H. Blackburn from Orderville arrived tonight with a load of flour & some furniture. Bro. Webb comes to transact some business & settle some difficulties.
11 - Was better today, but was not to work.
12 - Went to Washington & St. George with Bro. Webb.
13 - Was engaged with Bro. Webb in looking over my accounts, & viewing the Farm.
14 - Went to Leeds with Bro. Webb, on business, collected some money from Ira McMullen. Bro. Webb continued on to Orderville & I returned home.
15 - Plowing for corn.
16 - Sunday) Attended conference at St. George.
17 - Went to Washington with my wife & Amus Cox to regester our names in compliance with the new registration Law.
18, 19, 20 - Plowing for corn.
21 - Scraping.
22 - Scraping & laying off for corn.
23 - Sunday) Held meeting at 10, A.M.
24 - Watering for corn.
25 - Laying off & watering for corn,
26 - Planting corn.
27 - Planting corn & watering.
28 - Began planting corn & cotton.
29 - Plowing cotton,
30 - Sunday) Attended meeting at Washington. A few days past have been verry warm.
July 1878
1 - Went to Leeds to collect G. Hogan.
2 - Hoing & pulling weeds. Bro. E. M. Webb arrived from Orderville this evening.
3 - Went with Bro. Webb to Washington & St. George on business.
4 - Independence Day. attended the celebration at Washington.
5 - Bro. Webb & I examined Dam &c. towards night He started for Orderville.
6 - Attending Bees. Took 50 lbs. honey.
7 - Sunday) Attended meeting at Camp Lorenzo.
8, 9, 10, Watering corn & pulling weeds.
11, 12 - Cleaning ditch.
13 - Went to Washington & St. George on business.
14 - Sunday) Attended meeting at Washington.
15 - Working ditch it having been filled by a freshet.
L6 - Working on ditch.
17, 18 - Watering corn.
19 - Mending shoes. Father McLellan & my wife’s mother came to visit us from the Clarra.
20 - Went with father McLellan to the dam & corps (crops?).
21 - Sunday) Attended meeting at Camp Lorenzo. Prest. J. D. T. McAllister Bishop T. J. Jones & A. P. Winsor addressed the meeting.
22 - Mending shoes.
23 - Not well, writing letter to Arizona.
24 - Went to Washington with the children to attend the cellebration.
25 - Watering for corn.
26 - Watering. Hoing & planting corn.
27 - Watering & planting corn.
28 - Sunday) Attended meeting at Washington.
29 - Planting potatoes & hoing corn.
30, 31 - Watering, hoing etc. Verry warm the latter part of month.
August 1878
1 - Watering, hoeing &c.
2 - Went to St. George with a load of tithing hay.
3 - Watering and hoeing.
4 - Sunday) Held meeting at 10 ck A.M. Went to Washington to meeting in the afternoon.
5 - Election day. Went to Washington with my wife to to (sic) vote, and attended to some business.
6 - Not well. Staid indoors.
7 - Went to St. George with some flour for W. H. Carpenter, & to take Sisters Sorensen and Crofts to the Temple.
8 - Hoing. Looks like rain.
9 - My 47th birthday. Hoing cotton. There being a rise in the river, I went up to the dam to see if all was right.
10 - Received a letter from E. M. Webb, Orderville.
11 - Bro. Robert Gould of Washington, was to have held meeting with us today but did not come. At home writing letter in reply to Bro. Webb.
12 - Hoeing cotton & tending water.
13 - The same.
14 - Unwell.
15 - Dito.
16 - Feeling some better. Had some rain last night.
17 - Hoeing & watering.
18 - Sunday) At home reading & writing.
19 - Making levee & ditch between house & corall to control the water when heavy showers come & send down floods.
20 - About the house, doing small jobs.
21 - Went to Leeds & Washington on business.
22 - About home.
23 - Began picking cotton, a little.
24 - Attending bees & watering.
25 - Went to Washington to meeting.
26 - About home choring.
27 - Went to Washington to get some blacksmithing done.
28 - No entry.
29 - Repairing corall wall. Not well today.
30, 31 - About home, not well. This month very warm.
September 1878
1 - Was visited by Bros. Averet and Cornelius, teachers from Washington. Went to Washington to meeting, in afternoon.
2 - Went up the River to Bros. Riche’s & Hunsasker’s on business.
3 - Working the road.
4 - Writing journal.
5 - Fast Day, Attended meeting at Washington. my little son Newel K. was baptized by McRevy & confirmed by myself.
6, 7 - About home choring.
8 - Sunday - Attended meeting at Washington.
9 - Choring about home.
10 - Putting up hay &c.
11 - Building calf yard.
12 - The same.
13 - Attended Priesthood meeting at St. George. Bros E. M. Webb and H. Esplin arrived from Orderville.
14 - Examined farm, crops & dam in company with Bros. Webb & Esplin. In the afternoon went to the Clarra, with my family on a visit & to eat fruit.
15 - Sunday) Attended conference at St. George & returned home at night.
16 - Went up to Riche’s on business, fixing dam, etc. at night was taken very sick. got no better till the morning of the 18th when I began to improve.
No more entries until 21.
21 - Having regained my health measurably I rode up to Riche’s on business, & in the afternoon down the River to where Bro. Sulivan was making molasses, to see about getting a mill to grind our kane. came round by Washington home. Hands picking cotton this week.
22 - Sunday) Went up to Camp Lorenzo to meeting.
23, 24 - Choring about the home.
25 - Went to St. George to get some barrels made & other business.
26 - Having tatken up some Estray Stock I rode up as far as Riche’s & over to Washington to find out the owners but did not suceed & returned & had damage appraised.
27 - Wrote a note to Milton Darley of Harrisburg in regards to the stray stock. P.M. Drove the Stock to Estray Pound. Wrote a letter to Bp. Chamberlain, Orderville.
28 - Doing various jobs. At night was taken verry sick with the old complaint in my stomache. From this time on I continued sick (at one time nigh unto death) untill the 3rd of November when I was so far recovered as to set up during meeting, which was held at my house.
October 1878 - (No entries)
November 1878
4 - Went to Washington to see about a kane mill. Got one & brought home a part of it.
5 - Went to Washington to attend Election. Brought home balance of Kane Mill. Began to rain.
6 - Rainy day, & continued to rain off & on day & night untill the 9th.
9 - Began grinding kane. Broke down. Sent to Washington to get mill fixed.
10 - Sunday) Went up to examine dam, the river having broke through the levy, Shutting off the water from our irigating section. At home ballance of the day.
11 - Went to St. George for beef &other things.
12 - Went to Washington on business.
13, 14, 15 - Trying to grind kane with Yensen’s mill.
16 - Went to see about another kane mill.
17 - Sunday) Attended meeting at Camp Lorenzo A.M. & at Washington P.M.
18 - No entry.
19 - Got mill fixed up. Broke down again.
20 - Went to Leeds for stone coal to mend mill & other business.
21, 22 - Choring about home & tinkering with kane mill.
23 - Having broke down Riche’s mill, went to St. George to get another one.
24 - Sunday) Attended meeting at Washington P.M. Pres. McAllister preached. Father and Mother McLellan from the Clarra paid us a visit today.
25 - Went to St. George for J. W. Crosby’s kane mill, & Bro. Lowry to run it.
26, 27 - Picking cotton & mending shoes.
28 - To cold to pick cotton, doing odd jobs.
29 - Cloudy & stormy all day. a little snow fell last night, the first this winter.
30 - Went to Washington on business, still cloudy.
31 - Building horse shed, & making feed boxes.
December 1878
1 -Sunday) - At home, some of our camp attended the funeral services of Orson Hyde, one of the Twelve Apostles who died at Sanpete County, Spring City, Utah, held at St. George.
2 - Went up the River on business. P.M. mending dam.
3 - Repairing roof on house & other jobs.
4 - The same.
5 - Fixing Lizard for hauling water &c. J. R. Young Wife, & daughter who had been working in the Temple called on us. Also Bro. Wariner Porter & Sister Clarisa Fackrell from Orderville arrived. Bro. Porter on his way to the Temple, & Sister Fackrell on a visit to her folks at Leeds.
6 - Mending break in Levy.
7 - The same. Today, Bros. J. & A. Heaton & others arrived from the Temple. & Bro. George Gale & family from Beaver City.
8 - Sunday ) Bros. J. R. Young & J. & A. Heaton & families start for Orderville.
9 - Went to Washington with Yenson’s kane mill & to attend to other business.
10 - Got hearth-stone, dressed, & put it in place
11 - Went to Washington on business.
12 - Put handle on pitchfork. made towel roler & other jobs.
13 - Went out to hunt rock for building purposes.
14 - Attended conference at St. George, went to Clara. Staid over night with Samuel Knight.
15 - Attended conference & returned home. Heard today that my Mother (who lives at Draper, Salt Lake County) is verry sick.
16, 17, 18, 19, 20 - Picking cotton.
21 - Went to Washington to settle & other business. tonight Bishop Chamberlain & his councilor Samuel Clarage arrived from Orderville.
22 - Sunday) In company with Bishop C. & Bro. Clarage went viewing farm & dam, & counciling together in regard to our future here. Held meeting in the evening.
23 - Picking cotton.
24 - Picking cotton A.M. odd jobs in afternoon.
25 - Christmas Day, at home.
26, 27 - Picking cotton & mending shoes.
28 - To cold to pick cotton, doing odd jobs.
29 - Cloudy & stormy all day. a little snow fell last night, the first this winter.
30 - Went to Washington on business, still cloudy.
31 - Building horse shed, & making feed boxes.
January 1879
1 - Stocking plow.
2 - Attended fast meeting at Washington & done some business before coming home.
3 - No entry.
4 - Putting hounds in wagon. Plowing ditch &c.
5 - Sunday) Attended meeting at Washington P.M.
6, 7 - Grubbing, odd jobs, etc. etc.
8 - Went to the Clara to get some young peach trees & peach pits for planting.
9 - Returned home by was of Washington. bought some shovels at U. O. store. Just at night it began to snow.
10 - Planting peach pits &c.
11 - Grubbing, planting wild ash seed, etc.
12 - Sunday) P.M. Went to Washington to meeting.
13 - Spreading sweet oil on alkali land & planting hedge. (Muscrew seed)
14 - Spreading dirt & grubbing.
15 - Spreading dirt, about 1- ½ in. of snow fell last night.
16, 17 - Spreading dirt, etc.
18 - A.M. Spreading dirt. P.M. Viewing farm with Bros. J. Heaton & J. Z. Nielson who have been sent from Orderville to work with on the Farm.
19 - Sunday) Attended meeting at Washington. Bros. Whitehead & Romney from St. George preached.
20 - Picking cotton & doing small jobs.
21 - Went to Washington & St. George on business.
22 - Fixing plow & jobs of various kinds.
23 - Went to dam A.M. Odd jobs, P.M.
24 - Cleaning ditch A.M. Picking cotton P.M.
25 - Picking cotton, the last of this season.
26 - Attended meeting at Washington (Sunday) Charles Smith & J. W. Sen. preached. (Missionaries from St. George).
27 - Cleaning drain ditch.
28 - Rainy, picking cotton in the house, being some which had been gathered from the field unripe.
29 - Making new ditch.
30 - A.M. Stormy. Writing. P.M. Spreading dirt. Enough wet has fallen now to plowing good.
31 - Began plowing.
February 1879
1 - Engaged at small jobs.
2 - Sunday) A.M. attended meeting at Camp Lorenzo, at Washington P.M. Bro. Busby of Salt Lake City, preached, did not like his spirit.
3, 4, 5 - Working on ditch.
6 - Attended Fast meeting at Washington & done some business & returned home.
7 - Setting out cottonwoods & black willows along the river.
8 - Went (to) St. Louis (a little town near Leeds) with a load of hay.
9 - Sunday) Went to Washington to meeting in afternoon.
10 - On the ditch.
11 - Making waste-gate etc.
12 - On the ditch.
13 - Making head ditch to vinyard ground.
14 - Working on road between here & Leeds at the twist.
15 - Went to St. Louis with a load of hay.
16 - Sunday) Bros. Alen Taylor & Washington Jolly attended our meeting as Teachers from Washington ward & preached to us. P.M. went to Washington to attend meeting.
17 - On road. P.M. ditch.
18 - On road.
19 - On vinyard ground. at night Bro. E.M. Webb Secretary of O.U.O. arrived he has come down to settle up with us.
20 - Assisting Bro. Webb to settle our accounts.
21 - The same.
22 - The same in A.M. viewing Farm and cam. (camp)
23 - Sunday) Attended meeting at Washington.
24 - Settling up.
25 - Went to St. Louis with hay. Bro. Webb goes home today.
26 - Balancing accounts. Attended school meeting at Washington at night. a tax was voted of one & one half percent to finish School house & fence the lot.
27 Went to St. George for fruit trees & other business.
28 - Plowing.
March 1879
1 - Odd jobs.
2 - Sunday) Attended meeting at Camp Lorenzo A.M. Writing P.M.
3 - On ditch and dam.
4 - The same.
5 - The same A.M. Making river road P.M.
6 - Ditch and dam Dpt.
7 - Odd jobs.
8 - Setting out fruit trees.
9 - Sunday) Attended meeting at Washington.
10 - Went to Washington for fruit trees, currants &c. stayed overnight with John Chidester.
11 - Digging fruit trees and flower roots and c. returned home at night.
12 - Setting out fruit and flowers.
13 - Started to St. Louis with hay, turned over which so belated me, I had to stay overnight.
14 - Returned home, where I found Bishop Chamberlain from Orderville. Spent P.M. in conversation with him. Also received a call from Elisha Averett, an old acquaintance.
15 - Went to St. George to attend quarterly conference. Returned at night to see Bp. Chamberlain on important business.
16 - Sunday) Went again to St. George to attend conference.
17 - A.M. odd jobs. P.M. Cleaning ditch.
18 - Stocking shovel plow.
19 - A.M. Hauling stumps. P.M. Went to Washington for grape cuttings.
20 - Setting out grapes.
21 - Repairing road A.M. Setting out grapes P.M.
22 - Setting out grapes & odd jobs.
23 - Sunday) Attended meeting at Washington.
24 - Making & putting in water gates.
25 - Attending bees, A.M. watering orchard P.M.
26 - Went to St. George & Washington on business.
27 - No entry.
28 - Fixing up shovel plows & other jobs.
29 - Putting out vines & watering vinyard &c.
30 - Sunday) Bros. Chidester and ------ -------- from Washington held meeting with us. P.M. I attended meeting at Washington.
31 - A.M. setting out willows along the river bank. P.M. Went to Washington for grape cuttings.
April 1879
1 - Went to St. Louis & Leeds on business.
2 - Making garden.
3 - Fast day attended meeting at Washington.
4 - Mending ditch A.M. odd jobs P.M.
5 - Setting out grape vines.
6 - Sunday) Went to Washington to meeting.
7 - Setting out grape cutting in lower bottom.
8, 9 - The same.
10 - Odd jobs Dpt.
11 - The same.
12 - Went to St. George & the Clara on business.
13 - Sunday) Attended meeting at St. George & returned home.
14 - Wrote a letter to Bp. Chamberlain. My boys James & Daniel, & Wilford Heaton, & Hans Sorensen started for Orderville for flour & cows.
15 - A.M. Went to Washington on business. P.M. making warping bars.
16 - Making warping-bars,
17 - Making spooling frame, & other fixtures for weaving.
18 - Plowing - leveling &c.
19 - Fixing hoes, milk-pans & other jobs.
20 - Sunday) At home. Verry windy, raining a little.
21 - Went to Leeds on business. Exchanged $1.00 on Kanarrah Stock herd for Canaan Co op with C. Westover Jun.
22 - A.M. Odd jobs. P.M. Planting cotton, the first this Spring.
23 - Making paddle and other fixtures for loom.
24 - Setting up loom and getting ready for weaving.
25 - A.M. Looking out new road to Ft. Pierce. P.M. Went to Washington & St. George on business.
26 - A.M. Returned home. P.M. looking out new road.
27 - Sunday) Held meeting at 10 oclock. Bro. Paxman & Sanbar from Washington preached.
28 - Worked on road.
29 - Went to St. George on business.
30 - A.M. odd jobs. P.M. Writing.
May 1879
1, 2, 3 - Posting Company Books.
4 - Sunday) A.M. went with my wife to the new site for building to be called Enterprise. 4 P.M. Attended Meeting at Washington, home Missionaries from Hebron & St. George were present.
5 - Went to Washington on business.
6, 7 - Balancing Books &c.
8 - Went to Silver Reef with several Brethren to get their Naturalization Papers & other business did not obtain Paper. I returned to Leeds.
9 - Went again to Silver Reef obtained Papers & returned home my health was very poor having taken cold.
10 - not able to be out.
11 - Sunday) A.M. went to meeting up to Camp Lorenzo. P.M. to Washington staid over night Attend meeting and heard Br. Martin Slack Home Missionary from Tokerville preached a splendid discourse.
12 - Done some business at the Factory & Borrowed a book “A Miracle in stone” by Joseph A. Seiss (?) D b of Bro. James Paxman a very interesting work, returned home P.M.
13 - A.M. Posting Books. P.M. went to Harrisburg on business.
14 - Posting Books began Hauling our first cutting of hay today.
15 - Posting Company Books.
16 - Went to St. George on business.
17 - Went to St. George to give Charles Lytle of Eagle Valley a Power of Attorney to sell My Ranch in Dry Valley. Done some other business & returned home.
18 - Sunday) Samuel Knight and family paid us a visit today My brother-in-law also sister Mills my wife’s cousin.
19 - Doing odd jobs round home. Towards night Started with a load of hay to the mines camped out.
20 - Drove on to Leeds could not sell my hay finally Let it go on tick & returned home.
21 - Putting down flour (floor) in East room of cellar & fixing up shanty.
22 - Watering & hoeing in the garden.
23 - Plowing corn and watering the orchard.
24 - Digging the Milk cellar and wattering cotton.
25 - Sunday) Attended meeting at Washington P.M.
26 - Hoeing and watering cotton.
27 - Watering lucern & hoeing cotton.
28 - Mending waggon wheel.
29 - Measuring Land found we had 58 acres under cultivation.
30 - A.M. making water Ditch to water a road For hauling rock. P.M. went to St. George for Some of our folks who were working in the Temple.
31 - Making door frame & other fixtures to Milk cellar gthe weather continues very dry & windy rain has not fallen enough to lay the dust for 3 Months.
June 1879
1 - Sunday) As no one came from Washington to preach to us we held meeting ourselves in the A.M., P.M. was writing a letter.
2 - Posting Book and fixing up for Orderville.
3 - Started for Orderville for general supplies And to attend general conference nooned at Berry’s Springs Camped about (?) miles east of Workman’s Ranch.
4 - Started early stopped to Bait Breakfast at 7. Drove on to Short Creek & nooned Camped at a well Near the mouth of Kanyon.
5 - Started early. Breakfasted at 8 ock very heavy Roads today (deep sand) nooned within 3 or 4 Miles of the divide P.M. Drove on to the Lon Springs watered teams & drove on to the flat Where they could get grass for the teams.
6 - Breakfasted before starting drove through to Orderville getting there a little before noon found The people generally well & in good spirits there. In the evening Pres. Erastus Snow was present He having arrived in the afternoon.
7 - Attended conference a very interesting discourse on the United Order was delivered by Pres. Snow. Also by Milo Andrus. A concert was given in the evening by the combined Choirs of Orderville and Kanab and others which was very creditable to the performers.
8 - Sunday) 10 A.M. another Instructive discourse by Pres. Snow on the Order & kindred subjects. (Ward reports) Then followed a very good & instructive time together.
9 - In counsel with Bishop and other Brethren most of the day.
10 - Assisting in repairing our waggons &c. Evening met with the board.
11 - The same Meet with the board in evening.
12 - Still fixing up & getting together my loading.
13, 14 - The same.
15 - Attended Sunday School a.m. P.M. by invitation I went to Glendale with J. R. Young and Erison Porter Home Missionaries to hold meeting there. Attended testimony Meeting at night in Orderville.
16 - Doing various chores.
17 - Loading up Started for home at 2 ock P.M. Traveled till 11 ock, camt at DeLon’s Spring.
18 - Heavy sand camped at Moccasin Springs.
19 - Bro. Esplin let me have a span of horses to pull through the heavy sand to Pipe Springs nooned There camped at Cedar Ridge.
20 - Good roads today started at 5 ock reached Cottonwood Springs at 1 ock 20 miles very little Water drove on to a pool in Rock Kanion and watered team. camped at foot of Hurricane Mountain.
21 - No water here went to the mouth of Rock Kanion to water our teams our oxen run off and detained us until 11 ock A.M. Baited at Fort Pierce Reached home at 10 ock P.M.
22 - Sunday) Attended meeting at Washington P.M.
24 - Mending Ditch and various odd jobs.
25 - Putting up hay and other jobs.
26 - Putting up & stacking hay. this evening as the cow was coming in a large brood mare (Nell, valued at $200) began to stagger and fall. Died in 2 or 3 minutes have no Knowledge of what caused her Death.
27 - Putting up and stacking hay.
28 - Went up to I. Hunsasker’s place for some Cottonwood to make a shade for wagons in the A.M. P.M. odd jobs.
29 - Sunday) Held meeting 10 ock. P.M. Reading.
30 - Hauling brush and putting up a wagon shed the Past month has been excessively Dry and windy. Several of acres of cotton has been destroyed by the wind Blowing the sand over it.
July 1879
1 - Working on wagon shades A.M. Odd jobs. P.M.
2 - Working on ditch and garden.
3 - Went to Washington on business.
4 - Independence day, went to Washington to attend the celebration and to do some business.
5 - Tending bees and writing.
6 - Sunday) Held meeting A.M. Went to Washington to meeting in the afternoon.
7 - Making a bridge across the ditch.
8 - Odd jobs.
9 - On bridge and dugway at Enterprise point.
10 - Planting potatoes.
11 - Posting books.
12 - Working in the garden.
13 - Sunday) Held meeting a.m. Reading Voice of Warning in the afternoon.
14 - Mending scrapers and shoes and other jobs.
15 - Staking and pruning grapes.
16 - Staking and hoeing in the garden.
17 - Watering and hoeing in the garden.
18 - Repairing dam.
19 - A.M. Looking for building clay and sand. P.M. Pruning vineyard.
20 - Sunday) Held meeting at 10 o,ck. A.M. went to Washington.
21 - No entry.
22 - A.M. working on road. P.M.
23 - A.M. odd jobs. P.M. making door frame.
24 - 32nd Aniversary of the Pioneers in to Salt Lake Valley. Attended celebration at Washington.
25 - Went to Reef on business.
26 - Cutting willow stakes for grapevines.
27 - Sunday) Held meeting as usual. Bro. Heber Ayers from Orderville arrived this morning bringing the cotton gin from Rockville, which we had bought. During meeting time I was taken sick and had to leave the room.
28 - Better this morning about the house all day.
29 - Hoed cotton P.M.
30 - Choring morning and evening being troubled with sun pain in my head so I could not be in the middle of the day.
31 - The same. The latter part of has been unusually warm, no rain yet this summer, no feed for stock, only on the river bottom.
August 1879
1 - Still troubled with the sun pain in my head.
2 - Staking grape vines.
3 - Sunday) Held meeting at 10 o,ck A.M. H. P. Iverson and Greenalch from ------------- was preach to us.
4 - Election Day. went to Washington to vote and attend to other business.
5 - Writing some and statking grape vines.
6 - Staking grape vines.
7 - Posting books.
8 - Posting books, Staking grape vines.
9 - A.M. Hoing cotton.
10 - Sunday) Held meeting at 10 as usual.
11 - Doing odd jobs A.M. P.M. went with H. P. Iverson and Counnel across the River to visit some families as teachers.
12 - Went to St. George with some barrels of tar which had been sent from Orderville Ward to the Temple.
13 - Odd jobs. Making frame to grind-stone.
14 - Fixing waggon A.M. Hauling rock P.M.
15 - Odd jobs A.M. Sowing lucern seen P.M.
16 - Watering road to lay sand & sowing lucern.
17 - Sunday) Held meeting at 10 o,ck A.M.
18 - Fixing road & other jobs.
19 - Making swifts & other jobs.
20 - Fixing bee cards &c.
21 - Taking out honey &c.
22 - Tending bees & mending waggon.
23 - Taking out honey &c.
24 - Sunday) Held meeting at 10. Attended meeting at Washington P.M.
25 - Went to Washington on business.
26 - Fixing road A.M.
27 - Gathering beet seed.
28 - Making adobia table A.M. Pulling weeds P.M.
29 - Furrowing off & sowing turnips.
30 - Watering the ground for turnips.
31 - Sunday) Went up to Camp Lorenzo to meeting. It has been very hot during the month but a sudden change has taken place.
September 1879
1 - Went to Reef on business.
2 - Returned home.
3 - Making window Frames.
4 - Making Ax handles &c. A.M. Writing P.M.
5 - Making benches for scafolding.
6 - Writing, fixing bars &c.
7 - Sunday) Meeting at 10 ,ck Went to Washington to meeting P.M. C. Smith & John McDonald preached.
8 - Odd jobs of various kinds.
9 - Reading.
10 - Balancing Books.
11 - Taking out honey & attending bees.
12 - Repairing Bee hives.
13 - Making door frame and small jobs.
14 - Sunday) Reading Doctrine & Covenants.
15, 16 - Watering and Pulling &c.
17 - Hoing weeds A.M. mending ditch P.M.
18 - Cleaning ditch A.M. Herding cows P.M.
19, 20 - Cleaning etc.
21 - Sunday) Held meeting at 10 ock. received A visit from Bro. James Hogges & family.
22, 23, 24, 25, 26 - Cutting corn.
27 - Cutting corn & watering.
28 - Sunday) Bros Everet Mc----- (Bery?) Was there & preached.
29 - Cutting corn.
30 - Cutting corn & tending to the water.
October 1879
1 - Watering, striping, and cutting kane A.M. P.M. digging for foundation for gin house. D. M. Cox arrived today with Kane Mill, water Wheel, and Floom &c.
2 - Quite unwell today, working on Kane mill.
3 - Working on mill.
4 - The same.
5 - Sunday) held meeting as usual.
6 - Went to Washington on business.
7 - Writing A.M. Working on ditch P.M
8 - Clearing water ditch.
9 - The same. Frost last night enough to injure cotton & Kane.
Zemira Palmer
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1 comment:
Wonderful! Thank you!
Zemira probably didn't think this was funny then, but it sure is now. It is also a wonderful example of him trying to just do his best, like us all. This is an excerpt from his journal, posted on the blog by Deniane.
"Started to Manti in Sanpete County for a load of flour. Stopped at Rockville to attend the trial of J. S. Rolph & wife. After trial got into a dispute with Rolph & struck him.27 - Went to Justis Morris & complained of myself, & was fined five dollars. I then continued by journey..."
Gotta love it!
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